lunedì 18 novembre 2013

My Windows 8.1 Computer for Seniors, 2/e

My Windows 8.1 Computer for Seniors, 2/e
Contenuto del volume:

Easy, clear, readable, and focused on what you want to do
Step-by-step instructions for the tasks you care about most
Large, full-color, close-up photos show you exactly what to do
Common-sense help whenever you run into problems
Tips and notes to help you do even more

Over the years, you’ve learned a lot. Now, learn Windows 8.1! We’ve identified the Windows 8/8.1 skills you need to stay connected with people you care about: keep your computer reliable, productive, and safe; express your creativity; find new passions; and live a better life!

Our crystal-clear instructions respect your smarts but never assume you’re an expert. Big, colorful photos on nearly every page make this book incredibly easy to read and use!
  • Set up your computer with no fuss or aggravation
  • Get productive fast, even if you don’t have computer experience
  • Use Windows’ new touch features if you have a touchscreen device
  • Safeguard your privacy, and protect yourself from online scams
  • Find, install, and use easy new Modern apps
  • Display up-to-the-minute news, weather, and stock prices
  • Browse the Web with the great new Internet Explorer 11
  • Use new SmartSearch to find everything faster on the Internet
  • Discover reliable health and financial information online
  • Make free Skype video calls to friends and family
  • Use Facebook to find old friends and see what they’re up to
  • Store your pictures, fix them, and share them with loved ones
  • Read eBooks on your PC—even enlarge text for greater comfort
  • Watch TV or movies with Netflix, Hulu Plus, or YouTube
  • Enjoy your music, and discover great music you’ve never heard
  • Fix your own computer problems without help

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "My Windows 8.1 Computer for Seniors, 2/e" di Michael Miller, edito da Que Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,60 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 10,78 e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch, iPad e Mac al prezzo di Euro 14,99.

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