venerdì 27 dicembre 2013

A Step By Step Guide to SQL SERVER 2012 With Management Studio 2012

A Step By Step Guide to SQL SERVER 2012 With Management Studio 2012
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This is a beginners book on SQL Server 2012 and explain in Step by Step, hold your hand and walk you through: how to install SQL Server 2012, Database and Tables, DML, DDL, DQL, DCL, TCL T-SQL Queries, Inner, Left, Right, Cross, Self, Full, Natural Joins, various types of Indexes, Views, Indexed Views, Synonyms, different Stored Procedures, UDF, SVF, ITVF, MSTVF Functions, After and Instead Of Triggers, Execution Plans, Performance, SQL Standards, etc, and give you an overall good T-SQL background upon which you can build your strong foundation.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "A Step By Step Guide to SQL SERVER 2012 With Management Studio 2012" di Neal Gupta è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 1,50.

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