venerdì 31 gennaio 2014

Power-Up Using Excel Ranges: Book 1

Power-Up Using Excel Ranges: Book 1
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Power-Up Using Excel Ranges Book 1 is an adventure into the exciting world of Excel application development using the VBA interface.

The author, Rich Locus, CPA, has created hundreds of applications for such keynote clients as Nike licensees, large manufacturing organizations, CPA firms, educational institutions and small businesses.

This book provides coverage of one of the most important aspects of creating outstanding applications: Ranges. It walks the user step by step on how to use the back-end development environment of Excel to create amazing applications. In addition, best practices are emphasized when coding programs, and the author provides a site to download the sample program which is covered in great detail in this book.

This book comes highly recommended by clients who have used the text before it was published. The final Exhibit in the book provides the most comprehensive examples of Range statement syntax in the industry.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Power-Up Using Excel Ranges: Book 1" di Rich Locus è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,76 (Attualmente è distribuito gratuitamente).

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