martedì 31 dicembre 2013

When Will the iPad Replace Laptops?

When Will the iPad Replace Laptops?
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"I have an iPad Air and a 13-inch MacBook Pro. I love using both devices, but replacing the MacBook Pro with the iPad Air just isn't practical for me at this point. I can do quite a lot of things with the iPad Air, but some functionality I need just isn't in iOS yet.

Here are some of the common problems I've noticed with using the iPad as a replacement for a laptop."

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "When Will the iPad Replace Laptops?" di Jim Lynch è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

WordPress for Beginners: The Easy Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Website with WordPress

WordPress for Beginners: The Easy Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Website with WordPress
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Whether you want to create a blog or design a website, you can now do this with WordPress, the most popular content management software on the web. Now anyone can design a website or a blog without having any technical knowledge.

Initially, people used WordPress to design their blogs, but WordPress is more than just blogging software. Over the years it has evolved into an open source content management system which you can use to do more than just set up a blog. You can use this software to build a personal or commercial website, an e-commerce store, an art portfolio, a photo blog, and so much more than you can imagine.

It may seem a bit intimidating at first learning new software, but you will be surprised at how easy it is to set up a website with WordPress. This book will show you step-by-step how to register a domain name, set up web hosting, install the WordPress software, create posts and pages, upload images, install plugins, optimize your site, and so much more!

This web design book will show you how easy it is to design a website or blog using WordPress.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "WordPress for Beginners: The Easy Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Website with WordPress" di Christine John è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,74.

SQL Made Simple. SQL for Microsoft Office Access

SQL Made Simple. SQL for Microsoft Office Access
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Resolve to learn a new skill in the new year!

Do you use Access but are new to programming languages?
Have you heard that SQL is hard to learn?
Are you looking to enhance your skills and resume?

This is SQL – made simple.

Gain the fundamentals you will need to query your databases using Jet SQL in Microsoft Office Access.

View the eBook trailer at

Learn how to:
  • SELECT data from your tables
  • UPDATE data in your database
  • and DELETE records in tables
  • use SUBQUERIES to ask questions of your questions
  • Add It All Up with SUM

and much, much more.

Plenty of illustrated examples and a special section for test questions will reinforce your new knowledge of SQL.

Follow along with exercises by downloading the free Northwind database.
The Northwind database is available in the sample templates area of Access.

Did You Know?

Learning Access’ JET SQL is a great way to become familiar and learn other forms of SQL, like Transact.
Knowledge of SQL is an important skill to display on your resume.
SQL can be learned in hours and used for decades.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "SQL Made Simple. SQL for Microsoft Office Access" di Fish Davis è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 6,99.

Aggiornamento UniMod 4.4 per Win (Software Adempimento Unico telematico) e procedura di controllo (BlackBox 6.1)

Aggiornamento UniMod 4.4 per Win (Software Adempimento Unico telematico) e procedura di controllo (BlackBox 6.1)
Sul sito dell'Agenzia delle Entrate è stato pubblicato il software UniMod versione 4.4 (dicembre 2013), che permette la compilazione del Modello unico informatico per l'esecuzione degli adempimenti di registrazione, trascrizione, iscrizione, annotazione e voltura.

In fase di istallazione è possibile scegliere la versione adeguata alle proprie esigenze tra le seguenti
  • versione completa (dedicata ai notai e agli altri pubblici ufficiali autorizzati, consente l'esecuzione per via telematica degli adempimenti di registrazione, trascrizione/iscrizione/annotazione e voltura)
  • versione semplificata per utente telematico (consente l'esecuzione degli adempimenti di trascrizione/iscrizione/annotazione e voltura; non consente l'esecuzione dell'adempimento di registrazione e voltura tavolare)
  • versione semplificata per utente non telematico (consente di predisporre le formalità di trascrizione/iscrizione/annotazione e la voltura da nota di trascrizione; tali adempimenti sono richiesti allo sportello accettazione dei Reparti Servizi di Pubblicità immobiliare)

Tutte le versioni, ad eccezione di quella per ufficio, comprendono la gestione dell'anagrafica dei soggetti e degli immobili.

Five Reasons Why I Love My 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro

Five Reasons Why I Love My 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"My aging laptop from 2007 finally breathed its last recently. My old one was a 15 inch MacBook Pro with 4GB of RAM and a 160GB hard disk. Back in its day, it was a very nice computer, but fast forward five years and it certainly had been showing its age.

My initial plan was to buy an 11-inch MacBook Air. Why the 11-inch? Well, I found over the course of my 15-inch MacBook Pro’s life that it was too big to tote around everywhere. Oh sure, the extra screen space was nice. But the weight and size of it just made it a bit too big for my tastes.

The 11-inch Air seemed quite portable in comparison, yet powerful enough to meet my needs since most of what I mostly write on my computers. I was so very sure that the 11-inch was the absolute perfect computer for me, so I headed off to the Apple Store to get one." (Jim Lynch)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Five Reasons Why I Love My 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro" di Jim Lynch è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,97.

lunedì 30 dicembre 2013

Statistical Fundamentals: Using Microsoft Excel for Univariate and Bivariate Analysis

Statistical Fundamentals: Using Microsoft Excel for Univariate and Bivariate Analysis
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The purpose of this book is to provide a working background of descriptive and inferential statistics and step-by-step examples of how to perform various statistical procedures using Microsoft Excel's native operators and functions.

Automated procedures are also described using Excel's Analysis TookPak and AnalystSoft StatPlus.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Statistical Fundamentals: Using Microsoft Excel for Univariate and Bivariate Analysis" di Alfred P. Rovai, edito da Watertree Press LLC, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 7,53.

BASICS of Windows The Easy Guide to Your PC

BASICS of Windows The Easy Guide to Your PC
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Does your computer make you feel like a dummy? Believe me, you're not alone. But with these simple instructions, you'll be on your way to making the most of your PC. BASICS of Windows The Easy Guide to Your PC covers your mouse (single click, double click, right/left click, drag and drop, customizing the way your mouse works); the Windows Desktop (what everything does; customizing the desktop, start menu, and taskbar); manipulating your windows (parts of a window; opening, closing, restoring, moving, resizing, arranging, and finding windows; scrolling in windows); starting up and shutting down; folders and files (creating, renaming, moving, deleting, finding, making shortcuts to); Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer, and other Windows programs. Concise and easy to understand with over 100 large, full-color screen shots. Not version-specific so you learn the basic skills for any Windows PC or laptop. Simple exercises to test your knowledge and build confidence while you apply what you've learned. Question and Answer section covers what to do when things don't work the way they should.

Note: If you don't have a Kindle, visit Stephie Smith's website for instructions on downloading and installing the Kindle for PC app at

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "BASICS of Windows The Easy Guide to Your PC" di Stephie Smith, edito da Wentworth Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,74 e come libro tradizionale su al prezzo di Euro 7,64.

Pear OS 8 Review: OS X and iOS 7 Come to Linux

Pear OS 8 Review: OS X and iOS 7 Come to Linux
Contenuto dell'eBook:

It's often said that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. If that's the case then the developer of Pear OS 8 truly loves Apple and its products. Pear OS 8 is probably the closest thing any Linux user will ever come to getting a Linux distribution from Apple.

Pear OS 8 blends the look and feel of Mac OS X and iOS 7 into Ubuntu. I know that the very idea of this will probably shock some Linux users.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Pear OS 8 Review: OS X and iOS 7 Come to Linux" di Jim Lynch è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,97.

Easy WP Guide WordPress Manual (5a edizione)

Easy WP Guide WordPress Manual (5a edizione)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

It might be easier to say what this guide isn’t, rather than what it is. It isn’t an in depth look at every single function available within the WordPress dashboard. Nor is it a guide to help you develop or modify WordPress themes.

It's an easy to follow WordPress manual that will help you to get an overall understanding of how you use the various features within the WordPress Dashboard to keep your website or blog updated.

The official WordPress Codex is great if you want to get really involved in developing your own WordPress theme or modifying your site with plugins, but it can be a bit daunting for those users who just want a simple guide to using the Content Management side of WordPress or just need to update their site pages every so often.

The Easy WP Guide will teach you how to add content to your website and keep it updated, simply and easily. This version has been completely updated for use with WordPress 3.8.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Easy WP Guide WordPress Manual", 5ª edizione, di Anthony Hortin è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 1,49.

Aggiornamento NeoOffice 3.4.1 per Mac OS X

Aggiornamento NeoOffice 3.4.1 per Mac OS X
Disponibile l'aggiornamento alla versione 3.4.1 del noto software NeoOffice, la suite office finanziata esclusivamente da pagamenti da parte degli utenti e completa per Mac OS X basata sul progetto

NeoOffice include un elaboratore di testi (word processor), un foglio di calcolo (spreadsheet), un programma per le presentazioni, un software di disegno, un database e molto altro.

Questa versione include correzioni di problemi con l'apertura di alcuni documenti .docx e .pptx che potevano causare l'arresto imprevisto di NeoOffice, con le impostazioni di stampa di NeoOffice Writer e con lo zoom utilizzando il trackpad.

Solo gli utenti che hanno pagato 8 € o più possono scaricare l'upgrade dal sito dello sviluppatore (qui sono pubblicate le note di rilascio).

Il language pack per la lingua italiana è incluso nel pacchetto di installazione.

La versione 3.4.1 richiede un Mac con processore Intel e Mac OS X 10.6.8 o superiore.

Ricordiamo che la precedente versione 3.3 (per Mac OS X 10.6/10.7/10.8) è distribuita gratuitamente.

[update] Disponibile NeoOffice 2013.2 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 8,99 che include le stesse correzioni apportate a NeoOffice 3.4.1. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2013.3 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 8,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2013.4 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 26,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2013.5 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 26,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 26,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.1 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 26,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014 Free Edition che consente esclusivamente l'apertura, la modifica e la stampa dei documenti. La funzionalità di registrazione dei documenti è disabilitata.

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.2 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 26,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.3 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 26,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.5 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 26,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.6 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 26,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.7 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 29,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.8 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 29,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.9 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 29,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.10 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 29,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.11 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 29,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.12 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 29,99. (Note di rilascio)

Disponibile NeoOffice 2014.13 per OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion o versione successiva e processore a 64 bit sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 29,99. (Note di rilascio)

Dal seguente link è possibile scaricare l'ultimo Bug Fix per NeoOffice 3.4.1:

domenica 29 dicembre 2013

The Ultimate Guide to the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s: Everything You Want to Know Including Tips and Tricks, Features, iTunes, iCloud and Much, Much More!

The Ultimate Guide to the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s: Everything You Want to Know Including Tips and Tricks, Features, iTunes, iCloud and Much, Much More!
Contenuto dell'eBook:

A personalized walkthrough: Like having your own personal Apple representative right at your side.

Troubleshooting: Tips and tricks to keep you off the landline with customer support.
Notes and Advice: Learn how to get the most from your phone

Full color images and comparison charts to aide in making the best decisions about your phone. Topics include:
  • Features of iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s
  • What’s new in iOS7
  • iPhone tips and tricks
  • How to upgrade to iOS 7
  • Using iTunes & iCloud
  • And much, much more!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "The Ultimate Guide to the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s: Everything You Want to Know Including Tips and Tricks, Features, iTunes, iCloud and Much, Much More!" di Xavier Zimms e Farhat Anjum, edito da Proxy Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

Windows 7 Control Panel

Windows 7 Control Panel
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"Windows 7 Control Panel is one great tool in Windows Operating System. On Windows 7 Control Panel I decided to go deeper and explain more about the tools and how you can use them. You can jump to any section of the book depending on your need. See the introduction page for the lessons discussed in the book so that you know where to go.

You must have the administrative rights on your computer in order for you to have the access to the Control Panel tools and features. If you are using the Standard Account or Guest Account, you will not be allowed by the system to use many parts of the Control Panel. The access to some parts of the Control Panel depends on the User Account Control settings – (UAC). The UAC settings can only be changed by a system administrator – you.
  • System and Security
  • Network and Internet
  • Hardware and Sound
  • Programs
  • User accounts and Family Safety
  • Appearance and Personalization
  • Clock, Language and Region
  • Ease of Access

All these features had been discussed in this book in a very clear language with pictures and illustrations." (John Monyjok Maluth)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Windows 7 Control Panel" di John Monyjok Maluth è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,01 e come libro tradizionale su al prezzo di Euro 23,61.

SEO 2014: Includes How to Recover From Penguin, Panda or Manual Penalties (EZ Website Promotion)

SEO 2014: Includes How to Recover From Penguin, Panda or Manual Penalties (EZ Website Promotion)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

SEO 2014: Includes How to Recover From Penguin, Panda or Manual Penalties (EZ Website Promotion Series)

In the first section of this SEO book, healthy and effective Search Engine Optimization practices are discussed to help your website rank higher, and secure a steady stream of FREE Traffic, while avoiding potential penalties that could be placed on your site for a breach of the search engine rules and guidelines.

Later, this book examines recent important search engine updates that could have had (or will have) a negative impact on your 2014 website rankings and beyond, along with corrective strategies for website recovery after a hit from Panda or Penguin updates.

Finally, SEO 2014 takes a look at the process of identifying and recovering from Manual actions that could be placed against your website by Google’s Web Spam Team if you, or someone working on your behalf (SEO consultant etc), has employed unethical black hat techniques in the past.

Now, more than ever, quality on-page search optimization is critical to obtaining high search rankings, alongside quality content and the end-user experience. SEO 2014 brings this information to you in a direct and easy to understand way, arming you with the tools required to climb the search rankings and significantly boost your website traffic.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "SEO 2014: Includes How to Recover From Penguin, Panda or Manual Penalties (EZ Website Promotion)" di Darren Varndell, edito da, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

WordPress Plugin Support

WordPress Plugin Support
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This book will not teach you how to write plugin code.

Now that that's out of the way, what the book will do is explain the rationale behind some of the more confusing guidelines, level the expectations of users and developers, and help you understand how to handle support, because oh yes, you will be doing support.

Supporting your own plugins is a lot more than just answering questions when they come up, just like writing your plugin is more than just understanding how to code. Handling users is just as important as learning what kind ecosystem you're releasing your free code into, and how to manage unit and beta testing. And what about those plugins you just don't want to release on…

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "WordPress Plugin Support" di Mika Epstein è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 6,02.

Microsoft Word 2010: Fast and Easy (The Get It Done FAST Series)

Microsoft Word 2010: Fast and Easy (The Get It Done FAST Series)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Why waste your valuable time? Learn everything that you need to know, and get the job done with the help of Microsoft Word 2010: Fast and Easy!

If you're looking for a clear, well-written guide that will help you learn a maximum amount about Microsoft Word 2010, and spend a minimum amount of time doing so... you've come to the right place!

Microsoft Word 2010: Fast and Easy is THE book of "What you need to know" about the world's most popular word processor. In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn a variety of techniques that will help you quickly master this popular and powerful software. You will learn-
  • How to get around within the user interface, and understand the major changes with the new Ribbon, tabs, and Backstage view
  • How to create documents that get your point across
  • How to format your documents so their appearance demands respect
  • How you can quickly create stunningly complex documents by taking advantage of templates
  • How you can use Word's proofing tools to ensure that your documents contain no errors
  • How you can add charts, SmartArt illustrations and diagrams, WordArt special effects, and web hyperlinks to your Word documents

With this book, you will learn 100% of what you need to know to get the most out of Microsoft Word 2010!

Microsoft Word 2010: Fast and Easy comes from the pen of Edward Jones, the principal technology writer behind the "Get-it-Done" series of computer books. Jones is an experienced computer and technology writer, database applications development analyst, consultant, and trainer who understands the issues faced by people dealing with technology, day in and day out. His career spans years of technology training, database development, and consulting services for major law firms and government agencies in the Washington, DC area, and he currently resides in Charlotte, NC where he is concentrating on providing publications to the rapidly growing digital marketplace. Jones is also a best-selling author whose printed titles have sold over one million copies, and he has served as a technical editor on numerous computer books.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Microsoft Word 2010: Fast and Easy (The Get It Done FAST Series)" di Edward Jones, edito da Amazon Digital Services, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

sabato 28 dicembre 2013

The PC Power Pack

The PC Power Pack
Contenuto dell'eBook:

In anticipation of a second edition, we are offing the complete 84 page Kindle edition of the PC Power Pack for only $1.99.

The PC Power Pack is a Swiss Army Knife of proven tools and original content that is guaranteed to speed up your computer and save thousands of dollars with free professional software! Yes, there is a way to make your computer 100% safe when surfing the Internet, even when visiting websites of ill-repute. Security companies use this technique when investigating new viruses and malware. The PC Power Pack will show how you can get the same level of protection for free!
  • Quickly and easily speed up your computer in less than an hour
  • Safely browse the Internet and isolate your computer from all threats
  • Secure your computer with the best free antivirus and malware protection
  • Hide your computer activity from the prying eyes of your employer
  • Do nearly everything as Adobe Photoshop - for free
  • Watch videos without those nasty codec errors
  • Convert legal DVDs and videos to your tablet or smartphone
  • Securely erase discarded files so they cannot be recovered
  • Comprehensive advice for both Windows and Macintosh computers

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "The PC Power Pack" di Michael Armocida MLS, edito da Xplica!, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 1,50.

Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Server Essentials 10.9: Using and Supporting OS X Server on Mavericks

Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Server Essentials 10.9: Using and Supporting OS X Server on Mavericks
Contenuto del volume:

This is the official curriculum of Apple’s Mavericks 201: OS X Server Essentials 10.9 course and preparation for Apple Certified Technical Coordinator (ACTC) 10.9 certification–as well as a top-notch primer for anyone who needs to implement, administer, or maintain a network that uses OS X Server on Mavericks. This book provides comprehensive coverage of OS X Server and is part of the Apple Pro Training series–the only Apple-certified books on the market. Designed for help desk specialists, technical coordinators, and entry-level system administrators, this guide teaches you how to install and configure OS X Server on Mavericks to provide network-based services. You’ll also learn to use tools for efficiently managing and deploying OS X Server. In addition to learning key concepts and experiencing hands-on, practical exercises throughout, the book also covers the learning objectives to help you prepare for the industry-standard ACTC certification.
  • Provides authoritative explanations of OS X Server setup and management on Mavericks.
  • Focused lessons take you step by step through practical, real-world exercises.
  • Lesson review questions summarize what you learn to prepare you for the Apple certification exam.
  • Lesson files available for download.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Server Essentials 10.9: Using and Supporting OS X Server on Mavericks" di Arek Dreyer e Ben Greisler, edito da Peachpit Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 49,25 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 31,72.

Easy OS X Mavericks

Easy OS X Mavericks
Contenuto del volume:

Easy Mac OS X is the perfect companion for everyone who's bought a new Macintosh with the new OS X pre-installed, every Mac user who's upgrading to the newest version of OS X, and for the many new Mac users who've just switched from Windows. This full-color, utterly simple, step-by-step book has been carefully crafted to provide instant access to the tasks beginner-to-intermediate users need to master. Like all books in the Easy series, it's designed to teach visually; readers never have to work their way through lengthy text explanations. Here's just some of what readers will learn how to do:
  • Get on the Internet and make the most of the Mac's great web and communication tools
  • Install and use applications, printers, and scanners
  • Use OS X powerful iLife media tools
  • Customize their Macs
  • Create home networks and share their Macs with multiple users
  • Organize their files, folders, disks - and their lives
  • Keep their Macs running reliably
  • Use the Cloud, Notification Center, Reminders, Gate Keeper, Messages, Notes and much more.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Easy OS X Mavericks" di Kate Binder, edito da Que Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,60 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 7,38.

Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Support Essentials 10.9: Supporting and Troubleshooting OS X Mavericks

Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Support Essentials 10.9: Supporting and Troubleshooting OS X Mavericks
Contenuto del volume:

This is the official curriculum of Apple’s Mavericks 101: OS X Support Essentials 10.9 course and preparation for Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) 10.9 certification–as well as a top-notch primer for anyone who needs to support, troubleshoot, or optimize OS X Mavericks. This guide provides comprehensive coverage of Mavericks and is part of the Apple Pro Training series–the only Apple-certified books the market. Designed for support technicians, help desk specialists, and ardent Mac users, this guide takes you deep inside the Mavericks operating system. Readers will find in-depth, step-by-step instruction on everything from installing and configuring Mavericks to managing networks and system administration. Whether you run a computer lab or an IT department, you’ll learn to set up users, configure system preferences, manage security and permissions, use diagnostic and repair tools, troubleshoot peripheral devices, and more–all on your way to preparing for the industry-standard ACSP certification.
  • Covers updated system utilities and new features of OS X Mavericks.
  • Features authoritative explanations of underlying technologies, troubleshooting, system administration, and much more.
  • Focused lessons take you step by step through practical, real-world tasks.
  • Lesson files and bonus material available for download–including lesson review questions summarizing what you’ve learned to prepare you for the Apple certification exam.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Support Essentials 10.9: Supporting and Troubleshooting OS X Mavericks" di Kevin M. White e Gordon Davisson, edito da Peachpit Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 45,73 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 29,55.

Computer Basics Absolute Beginner's Guide, Windows 8.1 Edition, 7/e

Computer Basics Absolute Beginner's Guide, Windows 8.1 Edition, 7/e
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Make the most of your new Windows 8.1 notebook, desktop computer, or tablet–without becoming a technical expert! This book is the fastest way to get comfortable, get productive, get online, get started with social networking, make more connections, and have more fun!

Even if you’ve never used a Windows computer before, this book shows you how to do what you want, one incredibly clear and easy step at a time. Computer basics have never, ever been this simple!

Who knew how simple using computers could be?

This is today’s best beginner’s guide to using your computer or tablet with the new Windows 8.1 operating system…simple, practical instructions for doing everything you really want to do! Here’s a small sample of what you’ll learn:
  • Set up Windows 8.1 and get online fast
  • Use the new Windows 8.1 Modern interface
  • Get started with social networking on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn
  • Use Windows 8.1’s built-in apps–and find great new apps in the Windows Store
  • Connect printers and external storage, and set up automatic file backup
  • Create a home network in just minutes
  • Go online to shop, sell your stuff, manage your money, and do research
  • Get your office work done fast
  • Organize, view, and share photos
  • Play music using Windows 8.1, iTunes, or streaming music services
  • Watch TV shows and movies online
  • Protect yourself against viruses, spyware, and spam
  • Keep your system running reliably at top speed

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Computer Basics Absolute Beginner's Guide, Windows 8.1 Edition, 7/e" di Michael Miller, edito da Que Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 10,54.

venerdì 27 dicembre 2013

Evernote: The Missing Manual

Evernote: The Missing Manual
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Evernote can be used to organize and manage practically every aspect of your life.

The Evernote platform centralizes your to do lists, notes, Web bookmarks, photos and other information into a searchable database that you can access from any device.

However, Evernote is only as useful as you make it.

Using Evernote to its fullest can improve productivity and help you organize your life.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Evernote: The Missing Manual" di Tammy Clevenger è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

A Step By Step Guide to SQL SERVER 2012 With Management Studio 2012

A Step By Step Guide to SQL SERVER 2012 With Management Studio 2012
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This is a beginners book on SQL Server 2012 and explain in Step by Step, hold your hand and walk you through: how to install SQL Server 2012, Database and Tables, DML, DDL, DQL, DCL, TCL T-SQL Queries, Inner, Left, Right, Cross, Self, Full, Natural Joins, various types of Indexes, Views, Indexed Views, Synonyms, different Stored Procedures, UDF, SVF, ITVF, MSTVF Functions, After and Instead Of Triggers, Execution Plans, Performance, SQL Standards, etc, and give you an overall good T-SQL background upon which you can build your strong foundation.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "A Step By Step Guide to SQL SERVER 2012 With Management Studio 2012" di Neal Gupta è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 1,50.

How To Stop Spam: A Quick Reference For Spam Protection, Spam Filter, Virus Protection and More

How To Stop Spam: A Quick Reference For Spam Protection, Spam Filter, Virus Protection and More
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Disarm the online pretenders, predators, and perpetrators who are out to ruin your life by learning secrets about spam protection, how to stop spam, spam filter, virus protection and much more.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "How To Stop Spam: A Quick Reference For Spam Protection, Spam Filter, Virus Protection and More" di Oliver King è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,75.

Unlock the Power of Your Google Chromecast

Unlock the Power of Your Google Chromecast
Contenuto dell'eBook [update]:

A complete and authoritative guide to the Google Chromecast HDMI Streaming Media Player
The Chromecast is a powerhouse device at a bargain basement price--but only if you understand all its features and how to use them. With a device like the Chromecast, new features are constantly being discovered and developed. Half the battle is just knowing what you can do with the Chromecast, and the other half is actually doing it. Unlock the Power of Your Chromecast gives you the whole package.

If you're only using your Chromecast to stream Netflix and YouTube, you're leaving a lot on the table. The Chromecast can do much, much more than that, but many of its best features are hidden or undocumented in the user manual.

Tips & tricks for every kind of user
Unlock the Power of Your Chromecast is an info-packed guide to the Chromecast, written clearly and concisely for every kind of user.

Did you:
  • Purchase a Chromecast for yourself?
  • Receive a Chromecast as a gift?
  • Find this book while researching the Chromecast?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, Unlock the Power of Your Chromecast is for you.

Everything you need to become an expert

Here are some of the things you'll learn in Unlock the Power of Your Chromecast:
  • The difference between streaming and casting
  • ***How to cast Amazon Instant Video***
  • How to set up your Chromecast
  • How to cast from official Chromecast Apps
  • How to cast from websites that don't normally support the Chromecast, like ESPN, Disney, FOX, and more
  • How to cast web pages
  • How to cast your entire computer screen
  • How to cast music and video saved on your hard drive
  • How to enhance your Chromecast experience with Plex, Avia, and RealPlayer Cloud
  • How to cast from Spotify and Grooveshark
  • How to cast music and video from your Kindle Fire
  • How to cast music and video from your iOS or Android mobile device
  • How to use your iOS or Android device as a remote control for your Chromecast
  • How to use your Chromecast on hotel Wi-Fi networks
  • ... and much more!

Start taking advantage of everything your Chromecast has to offer.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Unlock the Power of Your Google Chromecast" di Aaron Halbert è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

Unlocking WordPress - Easy Steps For Getting a Hosted Blog Up and Running Fast

Unlocking WordPress - Easy Steps For Getting a Hosted Blog Up and Running Fast
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Unlocking WordPress is an illustrated guide to creating a professional looking WP blog on your own site fast. And you don't need to know anything about web development.

Learn how to install, configure, and customized your own blog on your domain. Resolve errors fast and easy, add email forms, and create a maintenance free blog. And do all this without spending a penny on applications or support.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Unlocking WordPress - Easy Steps For Getting a Hosted Blog Up and Running Fast" di Eddie Snipes, edito da GES Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

giovedì 26 dicembre 2013

Pinterest for Beginners: Pinterest for Fun and Profit

Pinterest for Beginners: Pinterest for Fun and Profit
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Insider Secrets to Using Pinterest They Don’t Want You to Know About


Get A Leg Up On Your Competition Just By Purchasing This Easy To Read Guide

You already know that Social Media and WEB 2.0 are HOT HOT HOT. So if you feel like you missed the boat you still have another chance To Make It BIG.

Pinterest is the new Social Networking and is now one of the top 15 websites in the US.
  • One of the fastest growing social media sites in the world, everyone is jumping on the Pinterest and loving every minute of it
  • Inside You’ll discover Unique selling strategies allowing you to dominate any market
  • Find out how by using Pinterest you can leverage Facebook and Twitter
  • Internet marketing experts are just beginning to tap into and discover the awesome power of Pinterest marketing
  • Discover Unknown selling strategies on Pinterest

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Pinterest for Beginners: Pinterest for Fun and Profit" di Lambert Klein è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,01.