Il controllo di gestione è stato recentemente richiamato dalla legge di stabilità 2014 che, introducendo la nuova Imposta unica comunale (articolata in Imu, Tasi e Tari), presuppone calcoli precisi per determinare i costi dei servizi, utili per i fabbisogni standard richiamati dai commi 652 e 653 della L. 147/2013 e indispensabili per fissare tributi e tariffe.
Il volume, aggiornato alle novità programmatiche contenute nel Piano Cottarelli, nel Documento di economia e finanza (Def) 2014 e nel D.L. 66/2014 (senza trascurare i risvolti operativi che verranno a prodursi con il nuovo assetto dei poteri locali definito dalla L. 56/2014), illustra con chiarezza e semplicità sia i presupposti che le tecniche operative del controllo di gestione. Prestando costante attenzione agli aspetti di immediata applicazione, l’opera rappresenta una guida indispensabile per riorganizzare i servizi e ridimensionare i costi, affrontando le sfide imposte dalla crisi economica e dai programmi di rinnovamento sulla pubblica amministrazione impostati dal Governo.
sabato 31 maggio 2014
SEO Joomla! Come ottimizzare il CMS e posizionare il vostro sito
Dopo anni di presenza attiva su forum autorevoli dedicati a Joomla! e alla SEO (Search Engine Optimization) gli autori hanno constatato una sempre maggiore consapevolezza nell'importanza della SEO come un'attività fondamentale perl'ottimizzazione dei motori di ricerca.
Se poi si applica la SEO al noto CMS (Content Management System) Joomla, si scopre come questo sia perfettamente attrezzato per il posizionamento dei siti sui motori di ricerca.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "SEO Joomla! Come ottimizzare il CMS e posizionare il vostro sito" di Maurizio Palermo e Stefano Rigazio, edito da Hoepli, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 34,90 (Attualmente è in offerta, con lo sconto del 15%, al prezzo di Euro 29,66).
Se poi si applica la SEO al noto CMS (Content Management System) Joomla, si scopre come questo sia perfettamente attrezzato per il posizionamento dei siti sui motori di ricerca.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "SEO Joomla! Come ottimizzare il CMS e posizionare il vostro sito" di Maurizio Palermo e Stefano Rigazio, edito da Hoepli, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 34,90 (Attualmente è in offerta, con lo sconto del 15%, al prezzo di Euro 29,66).
Easy WP Guide WordPress Manual (6a edizione)
Contenuto dell'eBook:
It might be easier to say what this guide isn’t, rather than what it is. It isn’t an in depth look at every single function available within the WordPress dashboard. Nor is it a guide to help you develop or modify WordPress themes.
It's an easy to follow WordPress manual that will help you to get an overall understanding of how you use the various features within the WordPress Dashboard to keep your website or blog updated.
The official WordPress Codex is great if you want to get really involved in developing your own WordPress theme or modifying your site with plugins, but it can be a bit daunting for those users who just want a simple guide to using the Content Management side of WordPress or just need to update their site pages every so often.
The Easy WP Guide will teach you how to add content to your website and keep it updated, simply and easily. This version has been completely updated for use with WordPress 3.9.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Easy WP Guide WordPress Manual", 6ª edizione, di Anthony Hortin è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 1,50
It might be easier to say what this guide isn’t, rather than what it is. It isn’t an in depth look at every single function available within the WordPress dashboard. Nor is it a guide to help you develop or modify WordPress themes.
It's an easy to follow WordPress manual that will help you to get an overall understanding of how you use the various features within the WordPress Dashboard to keep your website or blog updated.
The official WordPress Codex is great if you want to get really involved in developing your own WordPress theme or modifying your site with plugins, but it can be a bit daunting for those users who just want a simple guide to using the Content Management side of WordPress or just need to update their site pages every so often.
The Easy WP Guide will teach you how to add content to your website and keep it updated, simply and easily. This version has been completely updated for use with WordPress 3.9.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Easy WP Guide WordPress Manual", 6ª edizione, di Anthony Hortin è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 1,50
Creative Web Design with Adobe Muse
Contenuto del volume:
You’ve found your Muse; now learn how to create with it
Creative Web Design with Adobe Muse is a step-by-step guide to creating fully-featured websites using Adobe Muse. Adobe Muse can be a complicated program, and web design itself is no easy task, although your clients might think so. This book takes you from the initial design and layout stage right up to helping you publish your beautifully designed and richly developed site.
Each chapter covers a different section of the website and, in turn, introduces the tools and features of the program, accompanied by useful tips and tricks that help you speed up your workflow. Follow along as a website is created from concept to execution and rich content such as slideshows, galleries, and social media are incorporated. See how each aspect of a website is created with Muse; watch as it’s published; and visit the final version after learning how it was made.
If seeing a website created start to finish wasn’t enough, this book also features:
Through this perfect blend of instruction and inspiration, you’ll be up and running with Adobe Muse in no time.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Creative Web Design with Adobe Muse" di David Asch, edito da Focal Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 30,47 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 21,09
You’ve found your Muse; now learn how to create with it
Creative Web Design with Adobe Muse is a step-by-step guide to creating fully-featured websites using Adobe Muse. Adobe Muse can be a complicated program, and web design itself is no easy task, although your clients might think so. This book takes you from the initial design and layout stage right up to helping you publish your beautifully designed and richly developed site.
Each chapter covers a different section of the website and, in turn, introduces the tools and features of the program, accompanied by useful tips and tricks that help you speed up your workflow. Follow along as a website is created from concept to execution and rich content such as slideshows, galleries, and social media are incorporated. See how each aspect of a website is created with Muse; watch as it’s published; and visit the final version after learning how it was made.
If seeing a website created start to finish wasn’t enough, this book also features:
- Tips on how to incorporate Photoshop into Muse
- A companion website that was created with Muse where you can get up-to-the-minute coverage on Muse and other tutorials to help you design the perfect website
Through this perfect blend of instruction and inspiration, you’ll be up and running with Adobe Muse in no time.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Creative Web Design with Adobe Muse" di David Asch, edito da Focal Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 30,47 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 21,09
WordPress SEO Success: Search Engine Optimization for Your WordPress Website or Blog
Contenuto del volume:
For millions of WordPress website owners worldwide, search engine optimization is now utterly essential. This is the first book that teaches hands-on SEO techniques designed especially for WordPress users.
Complete, realistic, strategic, and fully hands-on, WordPress SEO Success covers a wide range of relevant techniques and technologies. Leading web marketer Jake Aull covers tools built into WordPress, third-party tools that can be added to the platform, and external tools that work especially well with WordPress. Aull carefully organizes and presents content designed to serve three different audiences: hobbyist bloggers, web designers/developers and SEO professionals. Topics covered include:
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "WordPress SEO Success: Search Engine Optimization for Your WordPress Website or Blog" di Jake Aull, edito da Que Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 22,26 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 12,67
For millions of WordPress website owners worldwide, search engine optimization is now utterly essential. This is the first book that teaches hands-on SEO techniques designed especially for WordPress users.
Complete, realistic, strategic, and fully hands-on, WordPress SEO Success covers a wide range of relevant techniques and technologies. Leading web marketer Jake Aull covers tools built into WordPress, third-party tools that can be added to the platform, and external tools that work especially well with WordPress. Aull carefully organizes and presents content designed to serve three different audiences: hobbyist bloggers, web designers/developers and SEO professionals. Topics covered include:
- A quick review of the absolute basics: what SEO is and why you need it
- Comparing and choosing the best WordPress SEO tools and plug-ins for your specific needs
- Building a complete content plan that works: a strategic approach
- Performing digital audits of your own site
- Define SEO strategy and objectives for new and existing WordPress sites
- Identifying and researching keywords
- Hands-on SEO execution: new builds vs. post-integration
- Architecture: sitemapping, blog-meets-website, multiple blogs+sites, marketing funnel, and more
- Improving SEO even if you're running a free blog
- Measuring SEO performance: an easy guide to analytics
- Using social media connections to strengthen your search presence
- Optimizing WordPress mobile sites for smart phones and tablets
- Integrating organic SEO with paid advertising, and more
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "WordPress SEO Success: Search Engine Optimization for Your WordPress Website or Blog" di Jake Aull, edito da Que Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 22,26 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 12,67
venerdì 30 maggio 2014
Aggiornamento CleanMyMac 2.2.5

A questo link sono pubblicate le note di rilascio (in inglese) con le novità di questa versione 2.2.5 che include alcuni miglioramenti ed altre correzioni di problemi.
Il download della versione demo si può effettuare dal sito dello sviluppatore.
Richiede un Mac con OS X 10.7 o successivo.
CleanMyMac 2 è in vendita sullo store della MacPaw Inc. al prezzo di Euro 39,95 (singola licenza), Euro 59,95 (licenza per 2 Mac) oppure Euro 89,95 (licenza per 5 Mac). Inoltre sono disponibili offerte speciali che comprendono in bundle anche MacHider e Gemini al prezzo di Euro 49,95 oppure una licenza di CleanMyMac 2 da regalare al prezzo di Euro 39,95.
Per gli utenti con Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5 e 10.6 è ancora disponibile la versione CleanMyMac 1.10.10 (classic)
Disponibile, inoltre, CleanMyDrive: External Drives Manager 1.0.3 per OS X 10.7 o versioni più recenti e processore a 64 bit gratis sul Mac App Store.
Dictionary of Computer & Information Technology
Contenuto dell'eBook:
The world of computer is vast and immense. It is hardly impossible for an individual to master the complete knowledge of computers. As varied and different are the branches of computer, so are the computer terminologies.
The Dictionary of Computer & Information Technology is a book that covers nearly every aspect of computing. We present this book as an attempt to meet the subject in a simple way.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Dictionary of Computer & Information Technology" di Mrinal Talukdar, edito da Prabhat Prakashan, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,78
The world of computer is vast and immense. It is hardly impossible for an individual to master the complete knowledge of computers. As varied and different are the branches of computer, so are the computer terminologies.
The Dictionary of Computer & Information Technology is a book that covers nearly every aspect of computing. We present this book as an attempt to meet the subject in a simple way.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Dictionary of Computer & Information Technology" di Mrinal Talukdar, edito da Prabhat Prakashan, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,78
Windows 8.1 Field Guide: The quickest way to get it done with Windows 8.1
Contenuto dell'eBook:
Windows 8.1 Field Guide is a full-length e-book about the latest version of Microsoft Windows.
This book is self-published, was written transparently and publicly, and is now being updated over time, so you can follow along, download updates, and provide feedback as it is updated.
That is, unlike a book that is published traditionally and left to sit (rot?) on a book store's shelves, Windows 8.1 Field Guide is a living, breathing entity.
And it will continue to grow as Windows 8.1 does.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Windows 8.1 Field Guide: The quickest way to get it done with Windows 8.1" di Paul Thurrott e Rafael Rivera è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,77
Windows 8.1 Field Guide is a full-length e-book about the latest version of Microsoft Windows.
This book is self-published, was written transparently and publicly, and is now being updated over time, so you can follow along, download updates, and provide feedback as it is updated.
That is, unlike a book that is published traditionally and left to sit (rot?) on a book store's shelves, Windows 8.1 Field Guide is a living, breathing entity.
And it will continue to grow as Windows 8.1 does.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Windows 8.1 Field Guide: The quickest way to get it done with Windows 8.1" di Paul Thurrott e Rafael Rivera è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,77
Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 for Designers
Contenuto dell'eBook:
Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, a product of Autodesk Inc., is a world’s leading, widely distributed, and popular commercial CAE package. Autodesk Simulation Mechanical is being used by designers across a broad spectrum of industries such as aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, nuclear, electronics, biomedical, and many more. It provides simulation solutions that enable designers to simulate design performance directly on the desktop. In this way, it dispenses fast, efficient, and cost-effective product development from design concept stage to performance validation stage of the product development cycle. Autodesk Simulation Mechanical package streamlines the product development process by resolving issues related to structural deformation, heat transfer, fluid flow, electromagnetic effects, a combination of these phenomena, and so on.
Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 book has been written with an intention to assist engineers, engineering students, and practicing designers new to the field of FEM and CAE. The textbook covers FEA concepts, modeling, and analysis of engineering problems using Autodesk Simulation Mechanical. In addition, enough theoretical background is offered to allow individuals to use Autodesk Simulation Mechanical as simulation package. Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 book covers Static Stress Analysis, Natural Frequency (Modal) Analysis, Frequency Response Analysis, Transient Stress Analysis, and Non-linear Analysis.
Table of Contents
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 for Designers" del Prof. Sham Tickoo Purdue Univ., edito da Cadcim Technologies, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 24,95
Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, a product of Autodesk Inc., is a world’s leading, widely distributed, and popular commercial CAE package. Autodesk Simulation Mechanical is being used by designers across a broad spectrum of industries such as aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, nuclear, electronics, biomedical, and many more. It provides simulation solutions that enable designers to simulate design performance directly on the desktop. In this way, it dispenses fast, efficient, and cost-effective product development from design concept stage to performance validation stage of the product development cycle. Autodesk Simulation Mechanical package streamlines the product development process by resolving issues related to structural deformation, heat transfer, fluid flow, electromagnetic effects, a combination of these phenomena, and so on.
Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 book has been written with an intention to assist engineers, engineering students, and practicing designers new to the field of FEM and CAE. The textbook covers FEA concepts, modeling, and analysis of engineering problems using Autodesk Simulation Mechanical. In addition, enough theoretical background is offered to allow individuals to use Autodesk Simulation Mechanical as simulation package. Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 book covers Static Stress Analysis, Natural Frequency (Modal) Analysis, Frequency Response Analysis, Transient Stress Analysis, and Non-linear Analysis.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction to FEA
- Chapter 2: Introduction to Autodesk Simulation Mechanical
- Chapter 3: Importing and Exporting Geometry
- Chapter 4: Creating and Modifying Geometry
- Chapter 5: Meshing-I
- Chapter 6: Meshing-II
- Chapter 7: Working with Joints and Contacts
- Chapter 8: Defining Materials and Boundary Conditions
- Chapter 9: Performing Analysis and Viewing Results
- Chapter 10: Advanced Structural Analysis
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 for Designers" del Prof. Sham Tickoo Purdue Univ., edito da Cadcim Technologies, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 24,95
3D Modeling and Printing with Tinkercad: Create and Print Your Own 3D Models
Contenuto del volume:
The First Complete Guide to Tinkercad: 3D Modeling That’s Powerful, Friendly, & Free!
Want to master 3D modeling and printing? Tinkercad is the perfect software for you: It’s friendly, web-based, and free. Even better, you don’t have to rely on Tinkercad’s technical documentation to use it. This easy, full-color guide is packed with photos and projects that bring 3D modeling to life!
No 3D or CAD experience? No problem: Best-selling author James Floyd Kelly teaches you step-by-step through simple examples and hands-on activities.
You’ll learn all the concepts and techniques you your skills, comfort, and confidence...and create exciting projects that show off Tinkercad’s full power. Learning 3D with your kids? You’ll even find projects you can work on together!
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "3D Modeling and Printing with Tinkercad: Create and Print Your Own 3D Models" di James Floyd Kelly, edito da Que Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 19,92 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 12,67
The First Complete Guide to Tinkercad: 3D Modeling That’s Powerful, Friendly, & Free!
Want to master 3D modeling and printing? Tinkercad is the perfect software for you: It’s friendly, web-based, and free. Even better, you don’t have to rely on Tinkercad’s technical documentation to use it. This easy, full-color guide is packed with photos and projects that bring 3D modeling to life!
No 3D or CAD experience? No problem: Best-selling author James Floyd Kelly teaches you step-by-step through simple examples and hands-on activities.
You’ll learn all the concepts and techniques you your skills, comfort, and confidence...and create exciting projects that show off Tinkercad’s full power. Learning 3D with your kids? You’ll even find projects you can work on together!
- Quickly master the basic 3D concepts you need to understand
- Navigate Tinkercad’s Dashboard and tool set
- Create your first 3D model and control its properties
- Save time by incorporating publicly available elements
- Import hand sketches or SVG graphics into your models
- Use the Shape Generator to create custom shapes
- Add raised text and other embellishments
- Assemble multiple pieces into a more sophisticated model
- Make realistic prototypes
- Output molds for creating items from soft materials
- Transform models into STL files for printing
- Get great results from an online 3D printing service
- Move your 3D objects into the Minecraft virtual world
- Find answers to your most important Tinkercad questions
- Discover tools for tasks Tinkercad can’t handle
- Learn from others! Explore projects at Thingiverse and the Gallery
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "3D Modeling and Printing with Tinkercad: Create and Print Your Own 3D Models" di James Floyd Kelly, edito da Que Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 19,92 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 12,67
giovedì 29 maggio 2014
Selling on Shopify: How to Create an Online Store & Profitable eCommerce Business with Shopify
Contenuto dell'eBook:
How to Create an Online Store & Profitable Ecommerce Business with Shopify
ATTENTION Business Owners & Entrepreneurs! Learn how to set up a profitable, online store with Shopify with Step-by-Step Instruction that the “professionals” would charge you thousands of dollars for.
Whether you already have a retail business, have products ready to sell, or are looking for a business model that you can run anywhere, this book will walk you through how to use Shopify and develop an online business where you can start profiting almost immediately!
You can build a world class online store without ZERO programming skills with Shopify - letting you focus on your business.
Don't Let Another Excuse Get In The Way Of You Building The Online Store You've Always Wanted
Shopify is the best online store building solution...period. You will be able to create an online store that rivals those of the biggest online retailers today.
In this book, you will be guided through:
...BONUS Chapters - Profitable Business Models You Can Operate with Shopify (without having inventory) & Marketing Methods that will Increase Your Sales by 200-300%
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Selling on Shopify: How to Create an Online Store & Profitable eCommerce Business with Shopify" di Brian Patrick, edito da GrassRoot Books, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89
How to Create an Online Store & Profitable Ecommerce Business with Shopify
ATTENTION Business Owners & Entrepreneurs! Learn how to set up a profitable, online store with Shopify with Step-by-Step Instruction that the “professionals” would charge you thousands of dollars for.
Whether you already have a retail business, have products ready to sell, or are looking for a business model that you can run anywhere, this book will walk you through how to use Shopify and develop an online business where you can start profiting almost immediately!
You can build a world class online store without ZERO programming skills with Shopify - letting you focus on your business.
Don't Let Another Excuse Get In The Way Of You Building The Online Store You've Always Wanted
Shopify is the best online store building solution...period. You will be able to create an online store that rivals those of the biggest online retailers today.
In this book, you will be guided through:
- Why Shopify is the best online store builder for you
- How to design & set up your Shopify store in under 60 minutes
- How to set up and navigate all of your store's administrative tasks like shipping, taxes, and payment processing
- How to optimize your Shopify store to attract new customers and increase sale conversions
...BONUS Chapters - Profitable Business Models You Can Operate with Shopify (without having inventory) & Marketing Methods that will Increase Your Sales by 200-300%
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Selling on Shopify: How to Create an Online Store & Profitable eCommerce Business with Shopify" di Brian Patrick, edito da GrassRoot Books, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89
How To Create Your Own WordPress Website: Step-by-Step with No Step Skipped
Contenuto dell'eBook:
"If you can send an email, then you can create a great looking WordPress website in minutes!
WordPress is the number one free tool used to create dynamic websites, and is used by millions of people from web developers to grandparents to build beautiful websites.
In this comprehensive book I will show you how you can use this great platform to create the website of your dreams. I have gone out of my way to make sure that there is no stone left unturned – and as it says on the book title I go through every step with no step skipped to ensure that you are guided every step of the way. By the time you go through this book you will have created a fully functional website without writing single line of code. This was unimaginable just a few years ago, but the power of WordPress has made this possible, and it is why it powers more than 60 Million websites on the web.
This book will help you to add your website to this ever growing list, and you will learn:
I have included an entire chapter that will show you how you can create a successful website or a blog by following proven success methods. Updated to the latest version of WordPress version 3.9–this means that all of the screenshots will match exactly what you see on your screen and you can easily follow along step-by-step to create a website that you can be proud of."
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "How To Create Your Own WordPress Website: Step-by-Step with No Step Skipped" di Zak Cagaros è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89
"If you can send an email, then you can create a great looking WordPress website in minutes!
WordPress is the number one free tool used to create dynamic websites, and is used by millions of people from web developers to grandparents to build beautiful websites.
In this comprehensive book I will show you how you can use this great platform to create the website of your dreams. I have gone out of my way to make sure that there is no stone left unturned – and as it says on the book title I go through every step with no step skipped to ensure that you are guided every step of the way. By the time you go through this book you will have created a fully functional website without writing single line of code. This was unimaginable just a few years ago, but the power of WordPress has made this possible, and it is why it powers more than 60 Million websites on the web.
This book will help you to add your website to this ever growing list, and you will learn:
- How to install WordPress
- How to master the WordPress admin area
- How to create killer posts and pages
- How to customize themes
- How to turbo charge your website by installing and managing plugins
- How to bring your content to life using the WordPress Media Library
- How to add users to your site
- How to secure your website and always keep things running
- How to attract search engine traffic
- …and much much more!
I have included an entire chapter that will show you how you can create a successful website or a blog by following proven success methods. Updated to the latest version of WordPress version 3.9–this means that all of the screenshots will match exactly what you see on your screen and you can easily follow along step-by-step to create a website that you can be proud of."
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "How To Create Your Own WordPress Website: Step-by-Step with No Step Skipped" di Zak Cagaros è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89
Group Policy Fast Start: A Quick Start Guide for Group Policy
Contenuto dell'eBook:
Anyone working with Windows computers can use Group Policy to simplify the application of common and repetitive tasks as well as unique tasks that are difficult to implement manually but can be easily automated. Group Policy includes both managed settings, referred to as policy settings, and unmanaged settings, referred to as policy preferences. Group Policy is in fact a collection of preferences and settings that can be applied to user and computer configurations.
Regardless of whether you are an IT manager, developer, administrator or an advanced user, this Fast Start guide will help you learn the essential concepts needed to successfully work with Group Policy.
Covers Group Policy for Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Group Policy Fast Start: A Quick Start Guide for Group Policy" di Smart Brain Training Solutions è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 5,14
Anyone working with Windows computers can use Group Policy to simplify the application of common and repetitive tasks as well as unique tasks that are difficult to implement manually but can be easily automated. Group Policy includes both managed settings, referred to as policy settings, and unmanaged settings, referred to as policy preferences. Group Policy is in fact a collection of preferences and settings that can be applied to user and computer configurations.
Regardless of whether you are an IT manager, developer, administrator or an advanced user, this Fast Start guide will help you learn the essential concepts needed to successfully work with Group Policy.
Covers Group Policy for Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Group Policy Fast Start: A Quick Start Guide for Group Policy" di Smart Brain Training Solutions è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 5,14
Online Security - Password Keys
Contenuto dell'eBook:
Each week there seems to be a new online password scare as a major company is hacked and your passwords exposed to the world.
Yes, you should have a complex password, yes you should have a different password for each site -but no, you don't have a computer brain.
Why not use our password keys?
Simple to use, safe as it stores nothing online and you don't have to remember impossibly long passwords.
In just moments you can reset all your passwords with complex long passwords and not have to remember any of them.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Online Security - Password Keys" di O-O Happiness è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68
Each week there seems to be a new online password scare as a major company is hacked and your passwords exposed to the world.
Yes, you should have a complex password, yes you should have a different password for each site -but no, you don't have a computer brain.
Why not use our password keys?
Simple to use, safe as it stores nothing online and you don't have to remember impossibly long passwords.
In just moments you can reset all your passwords with complex long passwords and not have to remember any of them.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Online Security - Password Keys" di O-O Happiness è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68
SketchUp 2014 for Architectural Visualization Second Edition
Contenuto dell'eBook:
In Detail
SketchUp is an amazing and remarkably powerful 3D modeling software used by millions of architects, visualizers, and drafters across the globe. It allows you to create animated 3D drawings and photorealistic renderings that approximate real-life objects easily.
This book is the perfect introduction to SketchUp 2014. It will help you to get started quickly and efficiently to produce and present commercial quality photorealistic or artistic outputs of your designs. It will teach you how to plan and set up the content of your scenes, use SketchUp and professional rendering software to produce stunning visuals and animations, and how to add an artistic touch to your images.
Beginning with a quick start tutorial which will get you up and running with SketchUp 2014 quickly, you will move on to learning the key skills you will need to wow your clients with stunning visualizations through a series practical steps, tips and tricks.
Who this book is for
If you are a SketchUp user, from an amateur right through to an architectural technician, professional architect, or designer, this is the book for you. This book is also suitable as a companion to any architectural design or multimedia course, and is accessible to anyone who has learned the basics of SketchUp.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "SketchUp 2014 for Architectural Visualization Second Edition" di Thomas Bleicher e Robin de Jongh, edito da Packt Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 15,85
In Detail
SketchUp is an amazing and remarkably powerful 3D modeling software used by millions of architects, visualizers, and drafters across the globe. It allows you to create animated 3D drawings and photorealistic renderings that approximate real-life objects easily.
This book is the perfect introduction to SketchUp 2014. It will help you to get started quickly and efficiently to produce and present commercial quality photorealistic or artistic outputs of your designs. It will teach you how to plan and set up the content of your scenes, use SketchUp and professional rendering software to produce stunning visuals and animations, and how to add an artistic touch to your images.
Beginning with a quick start tutorial which will get you up and running with SketchUp 2014 quickly, you will move on to learning the key skills you will need to wow your clients with stunning visualizations through a series practical steps, tips and tricks.
Who this book is for
If you are a SketchUp user, from an amateur right through to an architectural technician, professional architect, or designer, this is the book for you. This book is also suitable as a companion to any architectural design or multimedia course, and is accessible to anyone who has learned the basics of SketchUp.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "SketchUp 2014 for Architectural Visualization Second Edition" di Thomas Bleicher e Robin de Jongh, edito da Packt Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 15,85
mercoledì 28 maggio 2014
Aggiornamento iTunes 11.2.2 per Mac OS X e Windows
Apple ha reso disponibile, tramite la funzione "Aggiornamento Software", iTunes 11.2.2.
Questo aggiornamento risolve un problema che poteva causare il download inatteso delle puntate di alcuni podcast in seguito all'aggiornamento e include diversi miglioramenti alla stabilità.
È possibile scaricare la nuova versione anche dalla seguente pagina: nelle versioni per Mac (235,1 MB) Win 32 (111,1 MB) e Win 64 (112,6 MB).
Questo aggiornamento risolve un problema che poteva causare il download inatteso delle puntate di alcuni podcast in seguito all'aggiornamento e include diversi miglioramenti alla stabilità.
È possibile scaricare la nuova versione anche dalla seguente pagina: nelle versioni per Mac (235,1 MB) Win 32 (111,1 MB) e Win 64 (112,6 MB).
ipod touch,
os x lion,
os x mavericks,
os x mountain lion,
snow leopard,
Disponibile il software Unico Enc 2014 per Mac, Windows e Linux
Sul sito dell'Agenzia delle Entrate è stato pubblicato il software Unico Enc 2014 versione 1.0.0 del 28/5/2014, che consente la compilazione del modello Unico Enti Non Commerciali 2014 e la creazione del relativo file da inviare telematicamente.
UnicOnLine Enc 2014 utilizza una nuova tecnologia di distribuzione dei software basati su Java che consente all'utente di usufruire delle applicazioni direttamente dal web. In tal modo è possibile attivare le applicazioni in maniera semplice e con un solo clic, avendo la certezza di utilizzare sempre la versione più aggiornata ed evitando complesse procedure di installazione o aggiornamento.
Per eseguire il software è necessario utilizzare la Java Virtual Machine versione 1.7 e disporre di un sistema di elaborazione con i seguenti requisiti:
A questa pagina sono pubblicate le istruzioni per l'esecuzione del software Unico Enc 2014 ed il link per il download.
Ricordiamo che la trasmissione telematica del modello Unico Enc 2014 deve essere effettuata entro l’ultimo giorno del nono mese successivo a quello di chiusura del periodo d’imposta. (I termini di presentazione e di trasmissione della dichiarazione che scadono di sabato o domenica sono prorogati d'ufficio al primo giorno feriale successivo).
Sono disponibili, inoltre, le Procedure di controllo modelli Unico 2014 versione 1.1.0 del 28/5/2014 (Modello Unico PF 2014, Modello Unico SP 2014, Modello Unico SC 2014 e Modello Unico EnC 2014) per Macintosh e Windows.
UnicOnLine Enc 2014 utilizza una nuova tecnologia di distribuzione dei software basati su Java che consente all'utente di usufruire delle applicazioni direttamente dal web. In tal modo è possibile attivare le applicazioni in maniera semplice e con un solo clic, avendo la certezza di utilizzare sempre la versione più aggiornata ed evitando complesse procedure di installazione o aggiornamento.
Per eseguire il software è necessario utilizzare la Java Virtual Machine versione 1.7 e disporre di un sistema di elaborazione con i seguenti requisiti:
- Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista e Windows XP
- Linux (garantito sulle distribuzioni Ubuntu, Fedora e Red-hat 9)
- Mac OS X 10.7.3 e superiori
A questa pagina sono pubblicate le istruzioni per l'esecuzione del software Unico Enc 2014 ed il link per il download.
Ricordiamo che la trasmissione telematica del modello Unico Enc 2014 deve essere effettuata entro l’ultimo giorno del nono mese successivo a quello di chiusura del periodo d’imposta. (I termini di presentazione e di trasmissione della dichiarazione che scadono di sabato o domenica sono prorogati d'ufficio al primo giorno feriale successivo).
Sono disponibili, inoltre, le Procedure di controllo modelli Unico 2014 versione 1.1.0 del 28/5/2014 (Modello Unico PF 2014, Modello Unico SP 2014, Modello Unico SC 2014 e Modello Unico EnC 2014) per Macintosh e Windows.
software fiscali,
Disponibile il software Unico Sc 2014 per Mac, Windows e Linux
Sul sito dell'Agenzia delle Entrate è stato pubblicato il software Unico Sc 2014 versione 1.0.0 del 28/5/2014, che consente la compilazione del modello Unico Società di Capitali 2014 e la creazione del relativo file da inviare telematicamente.
UnicOnLine Sc 2014 utilizza una nuova tecnologia di distribuzione dei software basati su Java che consente all'utente di usufruire delle applicazioni direttamente dal web. In tal modo è possibile attivare le applicazioni in maniera semplice e con un solo clic, avendo la certezza di utilizzare sempre la versione più aggiornata ed evitando complesse procedure di installazione o aggiornamento.
Per eseguire il software è necessario utilizzare la Java Virtual Machine versione 1.7 e disporre di un sistema di elaborazione con i seguenti requisiti:
A questa pagina sono pubblicate le istruzioni per l'esecuzione del software Unico Sc 2014 ed il link per il download.
Ricordiamo che la trasmissione telematica del modello Unico Sc 2014 deve essere effettuata entro l’ultimo giorno del nono mese successivo a quello di chiusura del periodo d’imposta. (I termini di presentazione e di trasmissione della dichiarazione che scadono di sabato o domenica sono prorogati d'ufficio al primo giorno feriale successivo).
Sono disponibili, inoltre, le Procedure di controllo modelli Unico 2014 versione 1.1.0 del 28/5/2014 (Modello Unico PF 2014, Modello Unico SP 2014, Modello Unico SC 2014 e Modello Unico EnC 2014) per Macintosh e Windows.
UnicOnLine Sc 2014 utilizza una nuova tecnologia di distribuzione dei software basati su Java che consente all'utente di usufruire delle applicazioni direttamente dal web. In tal modo è possibile attivare le applicazioni in maniera semplice e con un solo clic, avendo la certezza di utilizzare sempre la versione più aggiornata ed evitando complesse procedure di installazione o aggiornamento.
Per eseguire il software è necessario utilizzare la Java Virtual Machine versione 1.7 e disporre di un sistema di elaborazione con i seguenti requisiti:
- Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista e Windows XP
- Linux (garantito sulle distribuzioni Ubuntu, Fedora e Red-hat 9)
- Mac OS X 10.7.3 e superiori
A questa pagina sono pubblicate le istruzioni per l'esecuzione del software Unico Sc 2014 ed il link per il download.
Ricordiamo che la trasmissione telematica del modello Unico Sc 2014 deve essere effettuata entro l’ultimo giorno del nono mese successivo a quello di chiusura del periodo d’imposta. (I termini di presentazione e di trasmissione della dichiarazione che scadono di sabato o domenica sono prorogati d'ufficio al primo giorno feriale successivo).
Sono disponibili, inoltre, le Procedure di controllo modelli Unico 2014 versione 1.1.0 del 28/5/2014 (Modello Unico PF 2014, Modello Unico SP 2014, Modello Unico SC 2014 e Modello Unico EnC 2014) per Macintosh e Windows.
software fiscali,
Disponibile il software Unico Sp 2014 per Mac, Windows e Linux
Sul sito dell'Agenzia delle Entrate è stato pubblicato il software Unico Sp 2014 versione 1.0.0 del 28/5/2014, che consente la compilazione del modello Unico Società di Persone 2014 e la creazione del relativo file da inviare telematicamente.
Unico Sp 2014 utilizza una nuova tecnologia di distribuzione dei software basati su Java che consente all'utente di usufruire delle applicazioni direttamente dal web. In tal modo è possibile attivare le applicazioni in maniera semplice e con un solo clic, avendo la certezza di utilizzare sempre la versione più aggiornata ed evitando complesse procedure di installazione o aggiornamento.
Per eseguire il software è necessario utilizzare la Java Virtual Machine versione 1.7 e disporre di un sistema di elaborazione con i seguenti requisiti:
A questa pagina sono pubblicate le istruzioni per l'esecuzione del software Unico Sp 2014 ed il link per il download.
Ricordiamo che la trasmissione telematica del modello Unico Sp 2014 deve essere effettuata entro il 30 settembre 2014.
Sono disponibili, inoltre, le Procedure di controllo modelli Unico 2014 versione 1.1.0 del 28/5/2014 (Modello Unico PF 2014, Modello Unico SP 2014, Modello Unico SC 2014 e Modello Unico EnC 2014) per Macintosh e Windows.
Unico Sp 2014 utilizza una nuova tecnologia di distribuzione dei software basati su Java che consente all'utente di usufruire delle applicazioni direttamente dal web. In tal modo è possibile attivare le applicazioni in maniera semplice e con un solo clic, avendo la certezza di utilizzare sempre la versione più aggiornata ed evitando complesse procedure di installazione o aggiornamento.
Per eseguire il software è necessario utilizzare la Java Virtual Machine versione 1.7 e disporre di un sistema di elaborazione con i seguenti requisiti:
- Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista e Windows XP
- Linux (garantito sulle distribuzioni Ubuntu, Fedora e Red-hat 9)
- Mac OS X 10.7.3 e superiori
A questa pagina sono pubblicate le istruzioni per l'esecuzione del software Unico Sp 2014 ed il link per il download.
Ricordiamo che la trasmissione telematica del modello Unico Sp 2014 deve essere effettuata entro il 30 settembre 2014.
Sono disponibili, inoltre, le Procedure di controllo modelli Unico 2014 versione 1.1.0 del 28/5/2014 (Modello Unico PF 2014, Modello Unico SP 2014, Modello Unico SC 2014 e Modello Unico EnC 2014) per Macintosh e Windows.
software fiscali,
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015: No Experience Required: Autodesk Official Press
Contenuto del volume:
Learn Revit Architecture the hands-on way
For those who like to learn by doing, this Autodesk Official Press book shows you how to build a four-story office building one step at a time, providing you with real-world practice you might expect to encounter on the job. Concise explanations, focused examples, step-by-step instructions, and an engaging hands-on tutorial make this book the perfect way to learn Revit Architecture. In addition, you can download starting files for each chapter from the website in order to compare your work to the authors, or start fresh with any chapter in the book.
Expert author Eric Wing first introduces the interface and Revit conventions, and then moves directly into building modeling. You'll learn to place walls, doors, and windows, work with structural grids, beams, and foundations; add text and dimensions, and use dimensions as a design tool. As the building takes shape, you'll discover how to generate construction documentation, create schedules, work with families, consider site issues, and use Revit's rendering capabilities. Here are some of the skills you can acquire from this book:
Autodesk Revit Architecture: No Experience Required is a completely self-paced guide. You can work along with the tutorial from cover to cover or jump in anywhere. No matter how you use this book, you'll be able to transfer the useful concepts to your professional practice.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015: No Experience Required: Autodesk Official Press" di Eric Wing, edito da Sybex, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 34,42
e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 28,84
Learn Revit Architecture the hands-on way
For those who like to learn by doing, this Autodesk Official Press book shows you how to build a four-story office building one step at a time, providing you with real-world practice you might expect to encounter on the job. Concise explanations, focused examples, step-by-step instructions, and an engaging hands-on tutorial make this book the perfect way to learn Revit Architecture. In addition, you can download starting files for each chapter from the website in order to compare your work to the authors, or start fresh with any chapter in the book.
Expert author Eric Wing first introduces the interface and Revit conventions, and then moves directly into building modeling. You'll learn to place walls, doors, and windows, work with structural grids, beams, and foundations; add text and dimensions, and use dimensions as a design tool. As the building takes shape, you'll discover how to generate construction documentation, create schedules, work with families, consider site issues, and use Revit's rendering capabilities. Here are some of the skills you can acquire from this book:
- Understanding Revit's interface, views, and grids
- Creating and editing roofs, railings, stairs, and ceilings
- Generating documentation and construction schedules
- Using advanced features like creating hosted families, system families, and formulas
Autodesk Revit Architecture: No Experience Required is a completely self-paced guide. You can work along with the tutorial from cover to cover or jump in anywhere. No matter how you use this book, you'll be able to transfer the useful concepts to your professional practice.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015: No Experience Required: Autodesk Official Press" di Eric Wing, edito da Sybex, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 34,42
Teach Yourself Microsoft Excel 2013
Contenuto del volume:
Some people say that Microsoft Excel is so easy that there is no need of any book to learn this program. What they say is right, but do you know one thing? They have never known how big Microsoft Excel is, and what are the advanced commands associated with this application. There are hundreds of advanced commands, which after you learn, help you work with this application efficiently. And so, we have explained about all the basic and advanced commands of Excel 2013, and have given the steps with pictures in this book.
Cromosys Publication’s Teach Yourself Microsoft Excel 2013 book is an optimal quality guide to the beginners and advanced learners of Microsoft Excel 2013. We are the leading book publisher of languages and technology. Our research and education center working for last fifteen years has made tremendous efforts to simplify the learning of Microsoft Excel, and so we assure you that this book will walk you through in the simplest way in your entire course of learning, and will make you a master of Microsoft Excel application in just one month of time.
This all-inclusive book provides you with in-depth knowledge of Excel with various steps and examples. An easy-to-understand, step-by-step approach, supplemented with practical implementation and many real-life screenshots are some of the distinguishing features of the book. Microsoft Excel is a program that is specifically designed to organize data in tables and to analyze the tabulated data. Excel is the world’s most widely used spreadsheet program, and is a part of the Microsoft Office suite. The lessons of this book conceived and prepared by us will help you start learning from real basic making your move amazing, astonishing, and exhilarating for you. It’s cool, simple, and sublime!
Niranjan Jha, the author of this and fifty other books published online, is the coiner, founder, and owner of Cromosys Corporation. His dedication in technological and linguistic research is significantly known to millions of people around the world. This book is the creation of his avowed determination to make the learning of Microsoft Excel easy to the people. After you install the application on your system, you just have to follow the instructions of this book doing the same on your computer, and you will see that you are quickly learning everything. Just an hour of practice per day, and in a month of time you’ll get a lot of knowledge, tips and tricks to work with this software.
This is an unmatchable unique book of its kind that guarantees your success. The lessons are magnificently powerful to bring you into the arena of tabulated data-analyzing. With the industrial growth from the year 2014, the accurate and profound knowledge of this software has influenced millions of minds; therefore we conceived the idea of making this book a guideline to those who want to be perfect in this application starting from real basic.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Teach Yourself Microsoft Excel 2013" di Niranjan Jha, edito da Cromosys Publication, è in vendita su al prezzo di Euro 7,53
e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 5,26
Some people say that Microsoft Excel is so easy that there is no need of any book to learn this program. What they say is right, but do you know one thing? They have never known how big Microsoft Excel is, and what are the advanced commands associated with this application. There are hundreds of advanced commands, which after you learn, help you work with this application efficiently. And so, we have explained about all the basic and advanced commands of Excel 2013, and have given the steps with pictures in this book.
Cromosys Publication’s Teach Yourself Microsoft Excel 2013 book is an optimal quality guide to the beginners and advanced learners of Microsoft Excel 2013. We are the leading book publisher of languages and technology. Our research and education center working for last fifteen years has made tremendous efforts to simplify the learning of Microsoft Excel, and so we assure you that this book will walk you through in the simplest way in your entire course of learning, and will make you a master of Microsoft Excel application in just one month of time.
This all-inclusive book provides you with in-depth knowledge of Excel with various steps and examples. An easy-to-understand, step-by-step approach, supplemented with practical implementation and many real-life screenshots are some of the distinguishing features of the book. Microsoft Excel is a program that is specifically designed to organize data in tables and to analyze the tabulated data. Excel is the world’s most widely used spreadsheet program, and is a part of the Microsoft Office suite. The lessons of this book conceived and prepared by us will help you start learning from real basic making your move amazing, astonishing, and exhilarating for you. It’s cool, simple, and sublime!
Niranjan Jha, the author of this and fifty other books published online, is the coiner, founder, and owner of Cromosys Corporation. His dedication in technological and linguistic research is significantly known to millions of people around the world. This book is the creation of his avowed determination to make the learning of Microsoft Excel easy to the people. After you install the application on your system, you just have to follow the instructions of this book doing the same on your computer, and you will see that you are quickly learning everything. Just an hour of practice per day, and in a month of time you’ll get a lot of knowledge, tips and tricks to work with this software.
This is an unmatchable unique book of its kind that guarantees your success. The lessons are magnificently powerful to bring you into the arena of tabulated data-analyzing. With the industrial growth from the year 2014, the accurate and profound knowledge of this software has influenced millions of minds; therefore we conceived the idea of making this book a guideline to those who want to be perfect in this application starting from real basic.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Teach Yourself Microsoft Excel 2013" di Niranjan Jha, edito da Cromosys Publication, è in vendita su al prezzo di Euro 7,53
Kindle Book Publishing: For Independent Authors
Contenuto dell'eBook:
Kindle Book Publishing For Independent Authors is a book tailored for the modern writer; we cover all the topics necessary to get you up and producing quality eBooks as fast as possible.
We cover the technical aspects in a way that anyone can understand, breaking down the more difficult aspects and showing diagrams and guides for Kindle publishing best practices.
We go through properly formatting and publishing your book along with other housekeeping tasks such as how to backup your books so they are safe and how to find critical bank details so royalties can be paid to you. We cover how to create an aesthetically pleasing book cover in a matter of minutes without the need for advanced graphics programs. Everything you need from start to finish to create quality eBooks is covered.
Topics Covered:
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Kindle Book Publishing: For Independent Authors" di Phil K è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,99
Kindle Book Publishing For Independent Authors is a book tailored for the modern writer; we cover all the topics necessary to get you up and producing quality eBooks as fast as possible.
We cover the technical aspects in a way that anyone can understand, breaking down the more difficult aspects and showing diagrams and guides for Kindle publishing best practices.
We go through properly formatting and publishing your book along with other housekeeping tasks such as how to backup your books so they are safe and how to find critical bank details so royalties can be paid to you. We cover how to create an aesthetically pleasing book cover in a matter of minutes without the need for advanced graphics programs. Everything you need from start to finish to create quality eBooks is covered.
Topics Covered:
- Keeping your books safe, secure and backed up.
- Book layout and file structure.
- Planning your book.
- Word count considerations & Word boosting.
- Researching your book.
- Target audience selection.
- Content formatting (Text / Images / Languages / File Formats / Invisibles)
- Kindle Direct Publishing account setup.
- Finding the required tax and bank details.
- Making a professional kindle cover in a matter of minutes.
- Publishing considerations.
- KDP select service.
- Book details.
- Royalties explained.
- Book promotions.
- Previewing and converting to friendly formats.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Kindle Book Publishing: For Independent Authors" di Phil K è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,99
SharePoint 2013 Field Guide: Advice from the Consulting Trenches
Contenuto dell'eBook:
Covers SharePoint 2013, Office 365’s SharePoint Online, and Other Office 365 Components
In SharePoint 2013 Field Guide, top consultant Errin O’Connor and the team from EPC Group bring together best practices and proven strategies drawn from hundreds of successful SharePoint and Office 365 engagements. Reflecting this unsurpassed experience, they guide you through deployments of every type, including the latest considerations around private, public, and hybrid cloud implementations, from ECM to business intelligence (BI), as well as custom development and identity management.
O’Connor reveals how world-class consultants approach, plan, implement, and deploy SharePoint 2013 and Office 365’s SharePoint Online to maximize both short- and long-term value. He covers every phase and element of the process, including initial “whiteboarding”; consideration around the existing infrastructure; IT roadmaps and the information architecture (IA); and planning for security and compliance in the new IT landscape of the hybrid cloud.
SharePoint 2013 Field Guide will be invaluable for implementation team members ranging from solution architects to support professionals, CIOs to end-users. It’s like having a team of senior-level SharePoint and Office 365 hybrid architectureconsultants by your side, helping you optimize your success from start to finish!
Detailed Information on How to…
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "SharePoint 2013 Field Guide: Advice from the Consulting Trenches" di Errin O'Connor, edito da Sams Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 21,11
Covers SharePoint 2013, Office 365’s SharePoint Online, and Other Office 365 Components
In SharePoint 2013 Field Guide, top consultant Errin O’Connor and the team from EPC Group bring together best practices and proven strategies drawn from hundreds of successful SharePoint and Office 365 engagements. Reflecting this unsurpassed experience, they guide you through deployments of every type, including the latest considerations around private, public, and hybrid cloud implementations, from ECM to business intelligence (BI), as well as custom development and identity management.
O’Connor reveals how world-class consultants approach, plan, implement, and deploy SharePoint 2013 and Office 365’s SharePoint Online to maximize both short- and long-term value. He covers every phase and element of the process, including initial “whiteboarding”; consideration around the existing infrastructure; IT roadmaps and the information architecture (IA); and planning for security and compliance in the new IT landscape of the hybrid cloud.
SharePoint 2013 Field Guide will be invaluable for implementation team members ranging from solution architects to support professionals, CIOs to end-users. It’s like having a team of senior-level SharePoint and Office 365 hybrid architectureconsultants by your side, helping you optimize your success from start to finish!
Detailed Information on How to…
- Develop a 24-36 month roadmap reflecting initial requirements, longterm strategies, and key unknowns for organizations from 100 users to 100,000 users
- Establish governance that reduces risk and increases value, covering the system as well as information architecture components, security, compliance, OneDrive, SharePoint 2013, Office 365, SharePoint Online, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and identity management
- Address unique considerations of large, global, and/or multilingual enterprises
- Plan for the hybrid cloud (private, public, hybrid, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)
- Integrate SharePoint with external data sources: from Oracle and SQL Server to HR, ERP, or document management for business intelligence initiatives
- Optimize performance across multiple data centers or locations including US and EU compliance and regulatory considerations (PHI, PII, HIPAA, Safe Harbor, etc.)
- Plan for disaster recovery, business continuity, data replication, and archiving
- Enforce security via identity management and authentication
- Safely support mobile devices and apps, including BYOD
- Implement true records management (ECM/RM) to support legal/compliance requirements
- Efficiently build custom applications, workflows, apps and web parts
- Leverage Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "SharePoint 2013 Field Guide: Advice from the Consulting Trenches" di Errin O'Connor, edito da Sams Publishing, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 21,11
Aggiornamento Microsoft Office 2011 14.4.2 per Mac
La Microsoft ha pubblicato, sul proprio sito web, l'aggiornamento Microsoft Office 2011 14.4.2 per Mac.
Questo aggiornamento è in grado di risolvere problemi critici. Per ulteriori informazioni su questo aggiornamento, visitare il sito Web di Microsoft.
Per maggiori informazioni e per scaricare l'aggiornamento in italiano (116,6 MB) visitate la pagina del Download dal sito Microsoft.
Si applica a: Office 2011, Office 2011 Home e Business Edition, Word 2011, Excel 2011, PowerPoint 2011, Outlook 2011, Office per Mac Standard 2011 Edition, Microsoft Office per Mac Home & Student 2011 e Microsoft Office per Mac Academic 2011.
A questo link sono pubblicati i problemi noti di installazione di Office 2011.
Microsoft Office per Mac Home and Business 2011, è in vendita anche su Apple Store Italia al prezzo di Euro 271,95 in italiano oppure in inglese internazionale e la versione Microsoft Office per Mac Home and Student 2011 al prezzo di Euro 140,95 in italiano oppure in inglese internazionale.
Anche su Microsoft Store è possibile acquistare Microsoft Office 2011 per Mac e Office 365 Home Premium (in abbonamento al prezzo di Euro 99,00 all'anno) che offre la possibilità di installare Office su 5 Mac o PC.
Disponibile, inoltre, Microsoft Office Mobile 1.1.1 per iPhone. Nota: per uso aziendale occorre avere una sottoscrizione a Office 365.
Questo aggiornamento è in grado di risolvere problemi critici. Per ulteriori informazioni su questo aggiornamento, visitare il sito Web di Microsoft.
Per maggiori informazioni e per scaricare l'aggiornamento in italiano (116,6 MB) visitate la pagina del Download dal sito Microsoft.
Si applica a: Office 2011, Office 2011 Home e Business Edition, Word 2011, Excel 2011, PowerPoint 2011, Outlook 2011, Office per Mac Standard 2011 Edition, Microsoft Office per Mac Home & Student 2011 e Microsoft Office per Mac Academic 2011.
A questo link sono pubblicati i problemi noti di installazione di Office 2011.
Microsoft Office per Mac Home and Business 2011, è in vendita anche su Apple Store Italia al prezzo di Euro 271,95 in italiano oppure in inglese internazionale e la versione Microsoft Office per Mac Home and Student 2011 al prezzo di Euro 140,95 in italiano oppure in inglese internazionale.
Anche su Microsoft Store è possibile acquistare Microsoft Office 2011 per Mac e Office 365 Home Premium (in abbonamento al prezzo di Euro 99,00 all'anno) che offre la possibilità di installare Office su 5 Mac o PC.
Disponibile, inoltre, Microsoft Office Mobile 1.1.1 per iPhone. Nota: per uso aziendale occorre avere una sottoscrizione a Office 365.
martedì 27 maggio 2014
Tech For Anyone - Speed Up Your Windows 7 Computer
Contenuto dell'eBook:
Is Your Windows 7 Computer Not As Fast As It Used To Be?
Tech for Anyone
Windows 7 is a very popular operating system since Microsoft dropped Windows XP support. Since most new computers ship with Windows 8, a very different OS, and our older PCs seem to function just fine, many people don't see the need to upgrade to a costly new computer. The problem is that over time, our computers still seem to lose performance.
While Microsoft continues to improve their operating systems so that they run more efficiently and require less maintainence, a personal computer will have its performance degrade over time. Some of this is due to how the operating system functions but other reasons can be environmental or just how we use our computers. Thankfully these performance losses can be reversed with just a little bit of work. It is also relatively easy to spend just a fraction of what a new computer would cost to give us significant performance improvements.
This book provides a step-by-step guide on how to use various utilities and programs to speed up your Windows 7 computer.
Topics Covered in This Book Include:
Get back the performance your computer should have.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Tech For Anyone - Speed Up Your Windows 7 Computer" di Mark Kyrnin è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89
Is Your Windows 7 Computer Not As Fast As It Used To Be?
Tech for Anyone
Windows 7 is a very popular operating system since Microsoft dropped Windows XP support. Since most new computers ship with Windows 8, a very different OS, and our older PCs seem to function just fine, many people don't see the need to upgrade to a costly new computer. The problem is that over time, our computers still seem to lose performance.
While Microsoft continues to improve their operating systems so that they run more efficiently and require less maintainence, a personal computer will have its performance degrade over time. Some of this is due to how the operating system functions but other reasons can be environmental or just how we use our computers. Thankfully these performance losses can be reversed with just a little bit of work. It is also relatively easy to spend just a fraction of what a new computer would cost to give us significant performance improvements.
This book provides a step-by-step guide on how to use various utilities and programs to speed up your Windows 7 computer.
Topics Covered in This Book Include:
- Securing your PC to prevent unwanted applications wasting resources
- Cleaning up the computer to free up resources for more important tasks
- Adjusting how Windows functions to provide a better experience
- Upgrading a computer with select hardware to boost performance
Get back the performance your computer should have.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Tech For Anyone - Speed Up Your Windows 7 Computer" di Mark Kyrnin è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89
Choosing a Web Content Management System: CMS Tips, Myths, Mistakes and Best Practices
Contenuto dell'eBook:
Is your web site outdated, difficult to manage and not meeting your business' or customers' needs? Or are you spending a ton of money on outside development services for changes that should be quick and easy to make? A content management system might be the answer.
Whether you're familiar with CMS tools or have never worked with one, Choosing a Web Content Management System can save you tons of time and help you avoid common CMS struggles and challenges.
In this ebook, you'll learn:
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Choosing a Web Content Management System: CMS Tips, Myths, Mistakes and Best Practices" di Lisa Kirschner è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 7,52
Is your web site outdated, difficult to manage and not meeting your business' or customers' needs? Or are you spending a ton of money on outside development services for changes that should be quick and easy to make? A content management system might be the answer.
Whether you're familiar with CMS tools or have never worked with one, Choosing a Web Content Management System can save you tons of time and help you avoid common CMS struggles and challenges.
In this ebook, you'll learn:
- What a content management system is
- Why CMS tools are so popular and beneficial for businesses of all sizes
- How to select the best CMS for your particular business, regardless of your size or market
- Why you don't need to do an in-depth feature analysis of dozens of CMS tools
- The fastest way to choose and implement a CMS without sacrificing quality
- How to save money when implementing a web CMS
- Best practices in web content management and planning so you get your project off to the best start
- Top 10 myths about web content management systems
- Top 10 mistakes during CMS efforts
- How to salvage a CMS effort that's spiraled out of control
- Why pilots and proofs of concept are worth their weight in gold
- How to handle change management and internal communications regarding your CMS effort
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Choosing a Web Content Management System: CMS Tips, Myths, Mistakes and Best Practices" di Lisa Kirschner è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 7,52
New Domain Domination Plan: Everything you need to know to leverage the new waved TLDs
Contenuto dell'eBook:
New domain extensions such as .web, .guru and .photography are now available and more are being released all the time. Are you ready to capitalize on them? Get your free report, now!
New domain extensions such as .web, .guru and .photography are now available and more are being released all the time. Are you ready to capitalize on them? Discover the brand new set of TLDs set to revolutionize the domain name industry. Here's what you'll learn:
And much, much more …
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "New Domain Domination Plan: Everything you need to know to leverage the new waved TLDs" di Noah Daniels, edito da wolfmedia2000, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 4,53
New domain extensions such as .web, .guru and .photography are now available and more are being released all the time. Are you ready to capitalize on them? Get your free report, now!
New domain extensions such as .web, .guru and .photography are now available and more are being released all the time. Are you ready to capitalize on them? Discover the brand new set of TLDs set to revolutionize the domain name industry. Here's what you'll learn:
- What the new TLDs are, and how the domain name industry has been changed forever.
- Which new domains are available, and which are set to be released in the near future.
- How branding and SEO are affected when using a new TLD, and how to be the first to take advantage.
And much, much more …
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "New Domain Domination Plan: Everything you need to know to leverage the new waved TLDs" di Noah Daniels, edito da wolfmedia2000, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 4,53
Microsoft Project 2013
Contenuto dell'eBook:
This is an introduction to Microsoft Project 2013 and project management.
Learn the key concepts, let us introduce you to the user interface and the methods for creating and managing project by using the new version of Microsoft Project.
This is an introduction to Microsoft Project 2013 and project management.
Learn the key concepts, let us introduce you to the user interface and the methods for creating and managing project by using the new version of Microsoft Project.
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