Not very recently, Google took a step in the "Kill MS Office" direction with Google Spreadsheets, which promises to replace Excel in the future. The acquisition of Writely came soon, and became Google Docs. Try them out—they can both replace your office suite for basic documentation. Following suit in the productivity department is Google Calendar to help you keep organized.
Nearly everyone's using AdSense on their Web sites today—find out how you can do so for yours. Also read up on AdWords and how they can help you promote your business better. There are also a bunch of tools to optimize your site—Analytics and Sitemap will not only make life easier, they'll even help your search rankings.
After all that, tell the world about your day with Blogger, track down old friends with Orkut, and entertain yourself at Google Video and YouTube. You can also take a trip to Mars or the Moon and enjoy the latter's cheesy goodness. Finally, there's Google Groups to interact with people who have the same interests, or just discuss any topic you want to.
And there you have it—the dope on practically all Google's services, right there on your bookshelf.
Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Easy Guide To Google AdWords, AdSense, Spreadsheets, Docs" di Zahid Ameer, edito da Zahid Digi Books, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68
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