giovedì 28 dicembre 2017

macOS Troubleshooting, High Sierra Edition

macOS Troubleshooting, High Sierra EditionContenuto dell'eBook:

No computer provides a trouble-free experience. This handy guide walks you through ways to diagnose, fix, and prevent the most common Mac hardware, software, and operating system problems. You'll learn how to handle problems confidently by using a systematic, iterative process and an array of built-in tools.

- Use startup commands, safe mode, and verbose mode to troubleshoot issues that occur before you log in.
- Degunk your Mac by resetting non-volatile memory and the system management controller.
- Use Activity Monitor, Disk Utility, macOS Recovery, and other specialized tools to analyze and fix problems.
- Diagnose and repair network and internet connectivity issues.
- Speed up a slow Mac.
- Repair file permissions.
- Find and fix deviant system preferences.
- Delete damaged settings from macOS's Library folders.
- Learn where to find online solutions to esoteric problems.
- Covers High Sierra and earlier macOS versions.
- Plenty of tips, tricks, and timesavers.
- Fully cross-referenced, linked, and searchable.

1. Getting Started
2. Using Startup Commands
3. Resetting the SMC
4. Resetting NVRAM
5. Starting in Safe Mode or Verbose Mode
6. Using macOS Recovery
7. Network Settings and Diagnostics
8. Resetting Network Settings
9. More Network Tricks
10. Slow Computers
11. Permissions Problems
12. Errant System Preferences
13. Exploring macOS's Libraries
14. Finding Solutions on the Web

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "macOS Troubleshooting, High Sierra Edition" di Diane Yee è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,99 e come libro tradizionale su al prezzo di Euro 7,89.

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