domenica 27 novembre 2016

iPad For Dummies, 9th Edition

iPad For Dummies, 9th EditionContenuto dell'eBook:

Set up and use your iPad like a boss!

When your coworkers or friends attempt to explain the latest functions and features of the iPad, do you feel as if they're speaking a foreign language? We've all been there. And seriously, you spent a lot of money on your new device, so why not get the plain-English guidance you need to maximize its performance and capabilities? In iPad For Dummies, you'll find easy-to-follow instructions on everything you need to operate your tablet with the skills of an iPad guru.

In this updated edition, you'll find out how to operate your iPad with ease, including setting up your new iPad, using the multi-touch interface, synching your data, using iCloud, setting up your iTunes account, surfing the web, accessing your email account, and navigating iOS 10. The latest iPad is loaded with features and functions you'll be eager to explore, and this full-color guide makes it a breeze!
  • Set up your iPad preferences
  • Connect with family and friends with iMessage and FaceTime
  • Capture and create memories with photos and videos
  • Keep your day on track with the calendar, reminders, and more

Whether you've just purchased your first iPad or have been an avid supporter since the product's launch, iPad For Dummies keeps you up to date on the features and functions of the latest model.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "iPad For Dummies, 9th Edition" di Edward C. Baig e Bob LeVitus, edito da For Dummies, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 16,60 e come libro tradizionale anche su al prezzo di Euro 21,37.

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