domenica 6 novembre 2016

iPhone For Seniors For Dummies, 6th Edition

iPhone For Seniors For Dummies, 6th EditionContenuto dell'eBook:

Your no-nonsense guide to getting in touch with your iPhone

Once you're comfortable with your iPhone, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it—and this full-color guide will get you there faster than you can say 'Siri.' Packed with guidance on everything from buying your first iPhone and navigating the Home screen to making calls, surfing the web, and sending texts and emails, iPhone For Seniors For Dummies shows you just how fun and easy it is to keep up with the kids!

Featuring a large-print format, easy-to-follow figures and drawings, and lots of step-by-step guidance, it gives you all the friendly instruction you need to put the iPhone to work for you—to shop, socialize, consume media, and absolutely everything in between. Whether you're finally retiring that familiar old flip phone or switching over to Apple from an Android device, everything you need to take the leap is a page away.
  • Keep in touch with email, social media, and FaceTime video calls
  • Stay on schedule with the Calendar and Reminder apps
  • Share photos, read ebooks, play games, and listen to music
  • Explore the multitouch interface and get familiar with built-in apps

The iPhone is only intimidating on the surface, and this plain-English guide shows you how its simplicity and ease of use are actually a better fit for your needs than you ever realized!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "iPhone For Seniors For Dummies, 6th Edition" di Dwight Spivey, edito da For Dummies, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 16,60.

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