lunedì 20 novembre 2017

Aggiornamento Parallels Desktop 13.2.0 (43213) per Mac

Aggiornamento Parallels Desktop 13.2.0 (43213) per MacParallels ha pubblicato l'aggiornamento alla versione 13.2.0 (43213) del noto software Parallels Desktop 13.

La soluzione N.1 degli utenti Mac per eseguire Windows su Mac, senza riavviare. - Sorprendentemente veloce: Applicazioni Windows a intenso utilizzo di risorse e di grafica eseguite senza interruzioni e senza rallentare MacBook, iMac, Mac mini o Mac Pro. - Prestazioni più potenti: Esegui tutto senza compromessi - Microsoft Office, Visual Studio, Quicken e QuickBooks per Windows, Access, Project, Autodesk Revit e Inventor, CorelDRAW, ArcGIS, Visio, Internet Explorer, Adobe Photoshop e altro ancora! - Integrazione perfetta: Usa le applicazioni Mac e Windows in parallelo (riavvio non necessario).

Avvia e accedi alle applicazioni Windows direttamente dal Dock e trascina e copia e incolla facilmente gli elementi tra di loro. Se sei un nuovo utente Mac, puoi continuare a utilizzare il solito ambiente Windows, anche a schermo intero.

Novità nella versione 13

Parallels Desktop 13 per Mac incrementa le prestazioni, con centinaia di nuove funzionalità e persino maggiori strumenti per eseguire le attività quotidiane su Mac e Windows. Pulisci l'hard disk, proteggi file privati, scarica video, crea GIF e altro.

Pronto per macOS High Sierra e Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. - Prestazioni superiori. Accesso 47% più veloce a file e documenti di Windows - Trasferimento più rapido dei file: Sposta, copia e trasferisci alla velocità della luce con i moderni dispositivi di archiviazione di massa USB 3.0 e i dispositivi SSD Thunderbolt esterni - Maggiore potenza: Ora disponibile fino a 32 vCPU e 128 GB di vRAM per ogni macchina virtuale con Parallels Desktop per Mac Pro Edition - Predisposizione per le release: Ottimizzato per macOS High Sierra (10.13) e Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

A questo link sono pubblicate le note di rilascio (in inglese) di questo aggiornamento per Parallels Desktop per Mac 13.2.0 (43213) che risolve problemi di stabilità generale e di prestazioni ed evidenziano le seguenti correzioni e miglioramenti:
Windows support:
  • Resolves an issue with delayed mouse response when switching to a virtual machine running in Full Screen on a second 5K monitor.
  • Resolves an issue with slow video playback in Microsoft Edge and “Movies & TV” app.
  • Resolves an issue with Parallels Tools updating incompletely and showing the “Windows cannot access \Mac\Home\Desktop” message after upgrading to Parallels Desktop 13.
  • Resolves an issue with launching Internet Explorer 11 after upgrading to Parallels Desktop 13.
  • Resolves an issue with Caps Lock not working with Windows 10 native apps when a Parallels keyboard layout is selected.
  • Resolves an issue with not being able to complete the installation of Windows Server 2016 Standard.

  • Resolves an issue with the camera not working in FaceTime after Parallels Desktop has been started.
  • Resolves an issue with sound input not working in Windows after waking the Mac from sleep.
  • Resolves an issue with a virtual machine not resuming from paused state after the Mac wakes up.
  • Resolves an issue with the mouse not working in the guest version of macOS 10.13 after suspending and resuming the virtual machine.

Boot Camp support:
  • Resolves an issue with the “There is no operating system installed in this virtual machine” message appearing when launching a newly created Boot Camp virtual machine.
  • Resolves an issue with Boot Camp virtual machines not booting and stuck on “Trying to boot from SATA drive 1”.
  • Resolves an issue with not being able to create a Boot Vamp virtual machine on Macs with High Sierra.
  • Resolves an issue with not being able to create a Boot Camp virtual machine on 2010 or earlier Macs.
  • Resolves an issue with not being able to create a Boot Camp virtual machine on Macs with Fusion Drive.

Support for the English and non-English keyboard layouts:
  • UK and US keyboard layouts:
  • Resolves an issue with the §± and `~ keys mixed up in the UK English keyboard layout.
  • Resolves an issue with not being able to type the §± keys using a physical keyboard when the US - International layout is selected.
  • Resolves an issue with the Dvorak layout in Windows differing from that in macOS.

European keyboard layouts:
  • Resolves an issue with “>” typed instead of “§” in the Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Swiss German, and Swiss French keyboard layouts.
  • Resolves an issue with ctrl + '-' not working in the French and Dutch layouts.
  • Resolves an issue with the §± and `~ keys mixed up in the Dutch keyboard layout.
  • Resolves an issue with incorrect results for the §£ and `~ keys in the Polish Pro layout.

Brazilian Portuguese keyboard layout:
  • Resolves an issue with the §± and <> keys mixed up in the Brazilian Portuguese keyboard layout.
  • Resolves an issue with ctrl+' ` ' working instead of ctrl+'-'.

Arabic keyboard layout:
  • Resolves an issue with the § and ± symbols not typed when the Arabic layout is selected.
  • Resolves an issue with () typed instead of (ذ).

Linux support:
  • Resolves a network issue in the Cent OS 7 virtual appliance.

L'update si può scaricare dal sito dello sviluppatore (dove è disponibile anche una versione Trial di 14 giorni del prodotto).

I requisiti di sistema sono: macOS High Sierra 10.13, macOS Sierra 10.12.5, OS X El Capitan 10.11.6, OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 o versioni successive - Mac con processore Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, Intel Core M oppure Xeon - 850MB di spazio libero sul volume di avvio (Macintosh HD) per l’installazione di Parallels Desktop. Ulteriore spazio su disco per le macchine virtuali (per prestazioni superiori, si consigliano unità SSD). - 4GB di RAM (8GB raccomandati).

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