La soluzione N.1 degli utenti Mac per eseguire Windows su Mac, senza riavviare. - Sorprendentemente veloce: Applicazioni Windows a intenso utilizzo di risorse e di grafica eseguite senza interruzioni e senza rallentare MacBook, iMac, Mac mini o Mac Pro. - Prestazioni più potenti: Esegui tutto senza compromessi - Microsoft Office, Visual Studio, Quicken e QuickBooks per Windows, Access, Project, Autodesk Revit e Inventor, CorelDRAW, ArcGIS, Visio, Internet Explorer, Adobe Photoshop e altro ancora! - Integrazione perfetta: Usa le applicazioni Mac e Windows in parallelo (riavvio non necessario).
Avvia e accedi alle applicazioni Windows direttamente dal Dock e trascina e copia e incolla facilmente gli elementi tra di loro. Se sei un nuovo utente Mac, puoi continuare a utilizzare il solito ambiente Windows, anche a schermo intero.
Novità nella versione 13
Parallels Desktop 13 per Mac incrementa le prestazioni, con centinaia di nuove funzionalità e persino maggiori strumenti per eseguire le attività quotidiane su Mac e Windows. Pulisci l'hard disk, proteggi file privati, scarica video, crea GIF e altro.
Pronto per macOS High Sierra e Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. - Prestazioni superiori. Accesso 47% più veloce a file e documenti di Windows - Trasferimento più rapido dei file: Sposta, copia e trasferisci alla velocità della luce con i moderni dispositivi di archiviazione di massa USB 3.0 e i dispositivi SSD Thunderbolt esterni - Maggiore potenza: Ora disponibile fino a 32 vCPU e 128 GB di vRAM per ogni macchina virtuale con Parallels Desktop per Mac Pro Edition - Predisposizione per le release: Ottimizzato per macOS High Sierra (10.13) e Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
A questo link sono pubblicate le note di rilascio (in inglese) di questo aggiornamento per Parallels Desktop per Mac 13.2.0 (43213) che risolve problemi di stabilità generale e di prestazioni ed evidenziano le seguenti correzioni e miglioramenti:
Windows support:
- Resolves an issue with delayed mouse response when switching to a virtual machine running in Full Screen on a second 5K monitor.
- Resolves an issue with slow video playback in Microsoft Edge and “Movies & TV” app.
- Resolves an issue with Parallels Tools updating incompletely and showing the “Windows cannot access \Mac\Home\Desktop” message after upgrading to Parallels Desktop 13.
- Resolves an issue with launching Internet Explorer 11 after upgrading to Parallels Desktop 13.
- Resolves an issue with Caps Lock not working with Windows 10 native apps when a Parallels keyboard layout is selected.
- Resolves an issue with not being able to complete the installation of Windows Server 2016 Standard.
- Resolves an issue with the camera not working in FaceTime after Parallels Desktop has been started.
- Resolves an issue with sound input not working in Windows after waking the Mac from sleep.
- Resolves an issue with a virtual machine not resuming from paused state after the Mac wakes up.
- Resolves an issue with the mouse not working in the guest version of macOS 10.13 after suspending and resuming the virtual machine.
Boot Camp support:
- Resolves an issue with the “There is no operating system installed in this virtual machine” message appearing when launching a newly created Boot Camp virtual machine.
- Resolves an issue with Boot Camp virtual machines not booting and stuck on “Trying to boot from SATA drive 1”.
- Resolves an issue with not being able to create a Boot Vamp virtual machine on Macs with High Sierra.
- Resolves an issue with not being able to create a Boot Camp virtual machine on 2010 or earlier Macs.
- Resolves an issue with not being able to create a Boot Camp virtual machine on Macs with Fusion Drive.
Support for the English and non-English keyboard layouts:
- UK and US keyboard layouts:
- Resolves an issue with the §± and `~ keys mixed up in the UK English keyboard layout.
- Resolves an issue with not being able to type the §± keys using a physical keyboard when the US - International layout is selected.
- Resolves an issue with the Dvorak layout in Windows differing from that in macOS.
European keyboard layouts:
- Resolves an issue with “>” typed instead of “§” in the Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Swiss German, and Swiss French keyboard layouts.
- Resolves an issue with ctrl + '-' not working in the French and Dutch layouts.
- Resolves an issue with the §± and `~ keys mixed up in the Dutch keyboard layout.
- Resolves an issue with incorrect results for the §£ and `~ keys in the Polish Pro layout.
Brazilian Portuguese keyboard layout:
- Resolves an issue with the §± and <> keys mixed up in the Brazilian Portuguese keyboard layout.
- Resolves an issue with ctrl+' ` ' working instead of ctrl+'-'.
Arabic keyboard layout:
- Resolves an issue with the § and ± symbols not typed when the Arabic layout is selected.
- Resolves an issue with () typed instead of (ذ).
Linux support:
- Resolves a network issue in the Cent OS 7 virtual appliance.
L'update si può scaricare dal sito dello sviluppatore (dove è disponibile anche una versione Trial di 14 giorni del prodotto).
I requisiti di sistema sono: macOS High Sierra 10.13, macOS Sierra 10.12.5, OS X El Capitan 10.11.6, OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 o versioni successive - Mac con processore Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, Intel Core M oppure Xeon - 850MB di spazio libero sul volume di avvio (Macintosh HD) per l’installazione di Parallels Desktop. Ulteriore spazio su disco per le macchine virtuali (per prestazioni superiori, si consigliano unità SSD). - 4GB di RAM (8GB raccomandati).
Parallels Desktop 13 per Mac è in vendita anche su Amazon.it.
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