lunedì 1 aprile 2013

Microsoft Office 2010: Productivity Strategies for Today and Tomorrow

Microsoft Office 2010: Productivity Strategies for Today and Tomorrow
Contenuto del volume:

Written in a clear, concise, and straightforward style, Microsoft Office 2010: Productivity Strategies for Today and Tomorrow walks the reader through the functions and features of the Microsoft Office software applications. It carefully explains technical topics with vocabulary that is easily understood by non-technical users.

Each chapter asks the reader to complete a relevant and real-world project that focuses on the objectives of the chapter. Step-by-step instructions with precise screenshots and illustrations are provided within each chapter to assist the reader through the completion of the hands-on project and end-of-chapter exercises. The screenshots and illustrations will assure the reader that he/she is completing the exercises correctly.

Microsoft Office 2010: Productivity Strategies for Today and Tomorrow teaches the technology skills employers look for in a candidate. Upon completion of this book and the real-world projects within, readers will truly be prepared to enter the 21st century workforce!

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Office 2010: Productivity Strategies for Today and Tomorrow" di Jean Kotsiovos, Carolyne Faddis e Loralyn Duley, edito da Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 53,77.

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