sabato 29 aprile 2017

Aggiornamento 1Password 6.7 per Mac

Aggiornamento 1Password 6.7 per Mac
AgileBits Inc. ha pubblicato l'aggiornamento alla versione 6.7 del software 1Password.

Avete mai dimenticato una password? 1Password può ricordarle tutte per voi e tenerle al sicuro. Tutto quello che dovrete ricordare sarà la vostra Password Master.

Amata ed utilizzata da milioni di utenti. Provate 1Password oggi stesso!


Ogni giorno ci sono nuove password da ricordare. Quando se ne creano di nuove, spesso le si dimentica. Se utilizzate la medesima password più e più volte, diventerete vulnerabili. 1Password risolve tutti questi problemi.
  • Create password forti ed uniche per ogni sito web
  • Tenete al sicuro i vostri dati, nascosti da una singola Password Master
  • Proteggetevi con un'autenticazione criptata AES a 256-bit anti manomissione
  • Il blocco automatico mantiene i vostri dati al sicuro anche se il vostro Mac dovesse essere perso o rubato


1Password non solo vi tiene al sicuro con password forti ed uniche, ma vi rende anche più produttivi.
  • Effettuate il login automatico nei siti web utilizzando i vostri browser preferiti
  • Riempite i moduli delle vostre carte di credito con un singolo click
  • Accedete rapidamente ai vostri dati ovunque vi troviate con 1Password mini
  • Aprite siti web ed effettuate automaticamente il login utilizzando la funzione dei preferiti Go & Fill


1Password vi permette di conservare molto più che semplici login a siti web. Tiene tutte le vostre informazioni importati a portata di dito.
  • Conserva i dati delle Carte di Credito, Note sicure, Passaporti, Conti Bancari, e molto altro
  • Ricorda in modo semplice le Domande Sicure dei siti web e genera risposte sicure
  • Conserva in modo sicuro documenti ed immagini
  • Non uscirete mai più di casa senza le vostre informazioni importanti


1Password supporta tutti i vostri dispositivi preferiti. Conservate le vostre informazioni critiche ovunque andiate.
  • Il supporto ad iCloud significa sincronizzazione sicura con la semplicità Apple
  • Il supporto a Dropbox fornisce una condivisione e sincronizzazione tra diverse piattaforme
  • Usate cartelle a vostra scelta per sincronizzare diversi computer tra loro, dentro una vostra rete sicura


1Password permette di organizzare i vostri dati in diverse casseforti e condividetele in modo sicuro con altri. Utilizzate casseforti separate per avere la libertà di scelta su cosa condividere e con chi.
  • Condividete accessi di lavoro con i vostri colleghi
  • Create una cassaforte di famiglia per la condivisione con il vostro partner
  • Distribuite chiavi criptate con il vostro team di sviluppo
  • Scambiate account e documenti con i vostri clienti

Le possibilità sono infinite! La cosa migliore è che potete condividere in modo sicuro le vostre casseforti in modo che ognuno possa avere le informazioni più recente.

Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.7 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
1Password 6.7 for Mac: The Renovation Edition

There comes a point in the lifespan of any app where it’s time to take a step back, admire all that’s been over the years, and take stock of the things that should be addressed before moving forward again. To take this metaphor in a different direction: before you can put that new addition on the house you need to shore up the foundation, reroute the wiring, and finally finish painting that room you’ve been putting off for too long now.

Today’s release of 1Password contains many of those types fixes and improvements; many that don’t even appear on this list because they were marked as [INTERNAL] during the development cycle. Nonetheless we have a healthy collection of improvements and fixes for you to peruse, as well as one very neat new feature you can see by holding down the Option key while clicking on the 1Password mini icon in the menu bar.

If you're looking to chat with us directly be sure to drop us a line at @1Password on Twitter or on Facebook at If you have questions or need support just pop on over to and we'll point you in the right direction.

## New

• You can now access the settings menu directly while option-clicking the 1Password mini icon in the menu bar. {OPM-4837}

## Improved

• Updated the wording in the account migrator window to reflect that we're copying items and not moving them outright. {OPM-4968}
• Improved the unlock time from the main app for those of you with a lot of vaults. {OPM-4966}
• Improved the unlock time for those of you with multiple accounts. {OPM-4965}
• Updated our translations with the latest from our incredible translators on
• Removed the 5MB Document upload size limit for accounts. The new limit is now based on how much space you have left on your account. {OPI-3897, OPM-4510}
• Updated our browser code signature checks to support the latest Google Chrome updates.

## Fixed

• Repaired an issue where 1Password mini would go into Read-only mode until the main 1Password app was launched. {OPM-4984}
• Mended the problem that copying values from text fields while editing wouldn't actually copy aforementioned values. {OPM-4975}
• Resolved a matter where disabling standalone vaults wouldn't refresh the Preferences window. {OPM-4947}
• Corrected a bug that could cause the Auto Save window to remember typed values. {OPM-4986}
• Fixed an issue that could cause the labels for the section separators in the item list to be misaligned.
• 1Password now ensures that items you create are supported by the vault to which they're being added to. {OPM-4958}
• Clicking the unlock button no longer errantly enables the Touch ID button when the lid is closed. {OPM-4978}
• Dismissing the Touch ID prompt with the lid closed no longer enables the Touch ID button. {OPM-4979}
• 1Password now re-establishes focus on the Master Password field if you cancel Touch ID. {OPM-4760}
• If you switch categories while looking at search results it will now clear out the search results. {OPM-2636}
• Fixed issues with the wrong icon showing after setting a custom icon on an item. {OPM-4389} {OPM-4381}
• Account Login items were incorrectly changing the type of the Secret Key field in the web form details. No longer! {OPM-4954}
• Fixed an issue that caused folks to receive a "device added" email while signing up for a new account. {OPM-4950}
• Resolved a layout issue that would cause the show/hide button text in the sidebar to become truncated. {OPM-824}
• Resolved a crash that sometimes occurred when editing an item on a MacBook Pro with Touch ID. {OPM-4869}
• Fixed a rare crash that could occur while enabling standalone vaults. {OPM-4969}

1Password 6.7 per OS X 10.10 (o versione successiva) e processore a 64 bit è disponibile gratuitamente sul Mac App Store (Con abbonamento in-app).

Disponibile, inoltre, la versione 1Password 6.5.4 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.7 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.7 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    After our release of "1Password for Mac 6.7: The Renovation Edition", our renovation theme continues with today’s update to 1Password for iOS! Much of the work in today's update was focused on internal stability and improvements; a deep dive into the internals of the app to shore up its foundation.

    One of the biggest changes we made is one that you should actually never notice. Next month Dropbox is going to be completing a year-long project to close down its existing application programming interface - the thing that allows 1Password to sync your information via Dropbox - in favor of a brand new one. We’ve had the pleasure of working with the folks at Dropbox to make this transition as seamless as possible for you. When Dropbox turns out the lights on its old API next month 1Password will roll on as if nothing has changed.

    Beyond the under-the-hood improvements we’ve added one particularly exciting feature for our account holders. The next time you set up 1Password on a new device you will be able to breeze right through setup with nothing but your Master Password. It’s an awesome and incredibly speedy way to set up 1Password; we hope you love it as much as we do!

    If you need us you can find us at @1Password on Twitter or at If you need support just pop over to

    ## New
    • Signing into your account has never been easier than with our new set up screen that displays all your accounts and only requires your Master Password. {OPI-3993}
    • 1Password can now accept items sent through accounts. {OPI-3912}

    ## Improved
    • The size of the secure entry "dots" on the Master Password field no longer change size while typing.
    • The "Remove Account" button is now named "Sign Out" and the intent of the confirmation dialog is clearer. {OPI-4033}
    • Removed the 5MB Document upload size limit for accounts. The new limit is now based on how much space you have left on your account. {OPI-3897}
    • 1Password is now using version 2 of Dropbox's application programming interface. {OPI-3788}
    • Updated the appearance of the vault switcher to maximize its speed, responsiveness, and overall quickitude.
    • Significantly reduced the size of the 1Password application. {OPI-3624}
    • The Apple Watch app now describes that it needs an Apple Watch Passcode enabled to work properly. {OPI-3890}
    • Updated our translations with the latest from our incredible translators on Crowdin.

    ## Fixed
    • Corrected an issue where 1Password would lock up while typing long Master Passwords.
    • Mended an issue that caused the PIN code to prompt for a new PIN code when attempting to disable the feature. {OPI-4028}
    • Fixed an issue that caused 1Password to unlock and only show encrypted (incomprehensible) information. {OPI-3808, OPI-3875}
    • The item list no longer scrolls to the top after editing an item. {OPM-4035}
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the prompt to open website option to display multiple dialogs in succession. {OPI-4038}
    • Removing the last item from your Apple Watch now actually removes the last item from your Apple Watch. {OPI-3895}
    • Fixed an issue where unlocking with a Master Password containing characters with accents or spaces at the end would fail. {OPI-4041}
    • Account Login items were incorrectly changing the type of the Secret Key field in the web form details. No longer! {OPM-4954}
    • Eliminated a crash that could occur when accessing the 1Password App Extension when Lock on Exit is disabled. {OPI-3425}
    • Fixed a crash that could occur if the QR code being scanned wasn't properly formed. {OPI-4027}
    • Resolved a crash when attempting to setup Dropbox sync. {OPI-4011}
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.7.1 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.7.1 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    Thanks to our awesome customers we discovered an edge case in 6.7 where our update to the new version of Dropbox would fail. This is now fixed, thanks to everyone who reached out!
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.7.2 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.7.2 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    Good morrow fine lords and ladies all! We hope you had a restful, relaxing, fun weekend. We've plucked a handful of fixes surrounding the way we calculate password strength into this release. Thank you to those who wrote in with these issues.

    • [Improved] Reworked the design of the introductory screens for new customers.
    • [Fixed] Corrected a couple minor typos thanks to our eagle-eyed translators on Crowdin.
    • [Fixed] Resolved an issue that would cause the password strength indicator to flicker and ultimately display as 0 strength when generating new passwords. {OPI-4050}
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.8 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.8 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    # 1Password 6.8: The Picnic Edition

    Get your picnic blanket ready, because we have prepared a basket full of delicious new treats just for you in our latest release! We hope you're having a delightful, secure, and scrumptious summer!

    ## TL;DR

    • One-time passwords now copy themselves to the clipboard automatically whenever you fill an item that has a one-time password.
    • The ability to create vaults has arrived for accounts!
    • Item creation and modification dates now appear in the item details.
    • Korean is back!

    ## How about some extra sprinkles for that ice cream cone?

    We can’t think of anything better to beat the heat than a nice cold ice-cream in the sunshine … with extra sprinkles, of course. We’d like to think of your one-time passwords as the sprinkles that complete your Login items. Now 1Password automatically copies those one-time passwords when you fill an item with the 1Password Extension, saving you a step and a giving you more time to enjoy that ice cream. Yummy!

    ## You can never have too many baskets of goodies!

    Everyone needs a safe place to store the pie so that no one gets into it before dessert. Now you can create new vaults in your account on the fly and off the cuff right within 1Password itself. No more storing the cherry pie with the cheese, or the cupcakes with the croissants. No matter what your organizational structure - creating new vaults on the go has never been so easy!

    ## You’ll always know how fresh your items are.

    A great sandwich is a staple at every picnic, but a truly great sandwich is only as good as the ingredients. The same can be said for your security and an aging password is not a fresh part of your ecosystem. With this new update, you'll always know how fresh your items are by checking the dates your items were created and edited are right there at the bottom of the item details.

    ## Korean Language is back! Korean BBQ, anyone?

    맛있는 고기구이를 준비하고 사랑하는 이들과 함께 즐겨보시는 것은 어떨까요? 드디어 1Password에서 한국어를 지원하게 되었으니까요! 우리 멋진 한국어 번역자들이 아니었다면 불가능했을 겁니다. 정말 감사드립니다!

    소중한 한국어 구사 고객들을 위해 1Password를 완벽하게 준비해두었답니다. 저희는 완벽주의자니까요. 이렇게 언어가 아름답게 돌아오게 된 것을 정말 자랑스럽게 생각하고 있습니다.

    ## Full Release Notes

    ### New

    • Item creation and modification times are now shown at the bottom of the item detail screen. {OPI-3302}
    • 1Password now automatically copies your one-time passwords to the clipboard when filling an item using the 1Password Extension. {OPI-2209}
    • Korean has been added to 1Password thanks to a few really enthusiastic users!

    ### Improved

    • Updated our translations with the latest from our incredible translators on Crowdin.
    • Previously used passwords are now displayed for all categories that support them. {OPI-4057}

    ### Fixed

    • The "Vault for Saving" preference is now properly restored when Travel Mode is disabled. {OPM-5070}
    • Resolved an issue that would cause the password strength indicator to flicker and ultimately display as 0 strength. {OPI-4050}
    • Fixed the alignment of part of the 1Password logo on the lock screen. {OPI-4072}
    • Repaired a rare issue where the Organize tab was missing, especially in recent iOS betas. {OPI-4091}

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