martedì 4 settembre 2018

Aggiornamento Firefox 62.0 per Mac, Windows e Linux

Aggiornamento Firefox 62.0 per Mac, Windows e Linux
Rilasciato l'aggiornamento alla versione 62.0 del noto browser Firefox.

A questo link sono pubblicate le note di rilascio di questa nuova versione con l'elenco di tutte le novità, in particolare:

Thank you to all of the new Mozillians who contributed to this release of Firefox!


  • Firefox Home (the default New Tab) now allows users to display up to 4 rows of top sites, Pocket stories, and highlights
  • “Reopen in Container” tab menu option appears for users with Containers that lets them choose to reopen a tab in a different container
  • In advance of removing all trust for Symantec-issued certificates in Firefox 63, a preference was added that allows users to distrust certificates issued by Symantec. To use this preference, go to about:config in the address bar and set the preference "security.pki.distrust_ca_policy" to 2.
  • Added FreeBSD support for WebAuthn
  • Improved graphics rendering for Windows users without accelerated hardware using Parallel-Off-Main-Thread Painting
  • Support for CSS Shapes, allowing for richer web page layouts. This goes hand in hand with a brand new Shape Path Editor in the CSS inspector.
  • CSS Variable Fonts (OpenType Font Variations) support, which makes it possible to create beautiful typography with a single font file
  • Updates for enterprise environments:
    AutoConfig is sandboxed to the documented API by default. You can disable the sandbox by setting the preference general.config.sandbox_enabled to false. Our long term plan is to remove the ability to turn off the sandboxing. If you need to continue to use more complex AutoConfig scripts, you will need to use Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR).
  • Added Canadian English (en-CA) locale


  • Removed the description field for bookmarks. Users who have stored descriptions using the field may wish to export these descriptions as html or json files, as they will be removed in a future release.
  • Dark theme is automatically enabled in macOS 10.14 dark mode
  • Changed the default setting to Enforce (3) for the security.pki.name_matching_mode preference
  • Adobe Flash applets now run in a more secure mode using process sandboxing on macOS. Learn how this may affect features here.
  • Users disconnecting from Sync are now offered the option to wipe their Firefox profile data (including bookmarks, passwords, history, cookies, and site data) from their desktop computer
  • Changed how WebRTC handles screen sharing: When screen-sharing a window, the window will be brought to front

  • Three-pane Inspector in Developer Tools separates the rules into its own panel
  • Changes affecting developers

Web Platform
  • JavaScript library for interactive editing of CSS Shapes values in the browser, with functional values like polygon(), circle() and ellipse()
  • CSS Variable Fonts (OpenType Font Variations) enable a single font file to behave like multiple fonts

A questo link è pubblicato l'elenco di tutti i bugfix.

Link diretto per il download della versione 62.0 per Windows e per Windows a 64 bit in italiano (Richiede un PC con Windows 7, 8 o 10, processore Pentium 4 o superiore con supporto SSE2, 512MB di RAM e 200MB di spazio libero su disco rigido)

Link diretto per il download della versione 62.0 per Macintosh in italiano (Richiede Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12 o 10.13, processore Intel x86, 512 MB di RAM e 200 MB di spazio libero su disco rigido)

Link diretto per il download della versione 62.0 per Linux e per Linux a 64 bit in italiano (Sono richieste le seguenti librerie o pacchetti: GTK+ 3.4, GLib 2.22, Pango 1.14, X.Org 1.0 o superiore - raccomandata 1.7 - libstdc++ 4.6.1 o versioni superiori. Si raccomandano, inoltre, le seguenti librerie o pacchetti: NetworkManager 0.7, DBus 1.0, HAL 0.5.8, GNOME 2.16 o versioni superiori, PulseAudio)

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