sabato 22 settembre 2018

Essential iPad: iOS 12 Edition

Essential iPad: iOS 12 EditionContenuto dell'eBook:

The twenty-first century offers more technology than we have ever seen before, but with new updates, and apps coming out all the time, it's hard to keep up.

Essential iPad: iOS 12 Edition is here to help. Along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions, illustrations, photographs, and video resources, this guide offers specifics in...
  • Setting up your iPad and upgrading from previous versions
  • A look at the updates introduced in iOS 12
  • Getting to know your iPad, finding your way around the dock, menus, and icons.
  • Navigating with touch gestures using quick peek, 3D touch, tap, drag, and swipe
  • Multi-tasking with slide over, split view, and drag & drop
  • A look at the new control centre and how to make use of it
  • Internal & External Keyboards and a look at Apple Pencil
  • Getting to know Siri, voice dictation and recording voice memos
  • Communicating with email, FaceTime, iMessage, using digital touch, and peer-to-peer payments
  • Browsing the web with Safari web browser
  • Taking and enhancing pictures, panoramic and live photos, as well as recording video
  • Listening to music with Apple Music and iTunes Store, as well as films and TV
  • The Files App, as well as Maps, News, Apple Books, Notes, Apple Pay, Calendar, and Contacts
  • Maintaining your iPad with updates, backups, general housekeeping, and much more...

Unlike other books and manuals that assume a computing background not possessed by beginners, Essential iPad: iOS 12 Edition tackles the fundamentals of the iPad, so that everyone from students, to senior citizens, to home users pressed for time, can understand.

So, if you're looking for an iPad manual, a visual book, simplified tutorial, dummies guide, or reference, Essential Pad: iOS 12 Edition will help you maximize the potential of your iPad to increase your productivity, and help you take advantage of the digital revolution.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Essential iPad: iOS 12 Edition" di Kevin Wilson è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 4,99 e come libro tradizionale su al prezzo di Euro 18,71.

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