sabato 22 settembre 2018

iPhone XS Guide: The Ultimate Guide to iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, & iOS 12

iPhone XS Guide: The Ultimate Guide to iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, & iOS 12Contenuto dell'eBook:

The iPhone XS is the most advanced device Apple has ever created. It’s made form a surgical-grade stainless steel, it has a gorgeous new gold finish on the front and back, it has better cameras, and of course, there’s a bigger version to choose from: the iPhone XS Max.

Brought to you by the expert team at Tap Guides, and written by best-selling technology author Tom Rudderham, iPhone XS Guide is packed with top tips and in-depth tutorials. You'll uncover the history of the iPhone's development from 2007 to 2018, learn about iPhone XS features such as Face ID, discover how to use iOS 12 and its built-in apps, plus much more. By the time you've finished reading iPhone XS Guide you'll be pro in nearly everything iPhone and iOS related.

Inside you'll discover:
* The history of the iPhone
* Software & hardware features of iPhone XS & XS Max
* In-depth coverage of iOS 12
* Face ID and 3D Touch
* Detailed app tutorials
* The secrets of mastering mobile photography
* How to edit photos
* Essential Settings and configurations
* Troubleshooting tips

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "iPhone XS Guide: The Ultimate Guide to iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, & iOS 12" di Thomas Rudderham è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,49.

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