Parallels Desktop 14 consente ora ai clienti di utilizzare Microsoft Ink per modificare i documenti di Microsoft Office per Windows su Mac, compreso il supporto della sensibilità della pressione in applicazioni quali PowerPoint, Microsoft Edge, CorelDRAW, Fresh Paint, Leonardo, openCanvas e Photoshop per Windows.
A Parallels Desktop 14 sono stati aggiunti set preconfigurati per la Touch Bar per le seguenti applicazioni: Microsoft Visio e OneNote, SketchUp, AutoCAD, Revit, Quicken, QuickBooks e Visual Studio. Si aggiungono agli attuali set della Touch Bar di Parallels Desktop per le applicazioni Windows, tra cui : Office 2016 (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint e Outlook), menu Start di Windows e desktop (Cortana, visualizzazione attività ed elementi bloccati sulla barra delle applicazioni), File Explorer (impostazioni di Apri file e Salva con nome), e browser Web (Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera e Vivaldi).
La procedura guidata Touch Bar di Parallels Desktop consente agli utenti di personalizzare in modo semplice la Touch Bar per migliaia di applicazioni Windows in modo che le scorciatoie con i tasti funzione siano a portata di mano quando si utilizzano le applicazioni. Inoltre, utilizzando la funzionalità Creazione e modifica di documenti XML con Touch Bar, gli utenti possono personalizzare ulteriormente la Touch Bar con le proprie scorciatoie personalizzate con i tasti funzione per le applicazioni Windows preferite.
A questi link sono pubblicate le novità di Parallels Desktop 14 per Mac e le note di rilascio della versione 14.1.0 (45387) in inglese, che risolve problemi di stabilità generale e di prestazioni ed evidenziano le seguenti correzioni e miglioramenti:
- Resolves an issue with Vasco Da Gama 11.
- Resolves an issue with SketchUp LayOut 2018.
- Resolves an issue with SketchUp Style Builder 2018.
- Resolves an issue with graphics artifacts in SketchUp Pro 2018.
- Resolves an issue with not being able to activate FusionPro VDP Creator 9.
- Resolves an issue with not being able to activate MATLAB.
- Resolves an issue with the Apple DEP (Device Enrollment Program) not working in a macOS virtual machine.
- Resolves an issue with GUI problems in Ableton Live.
- Resolves an issue with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
- Resolves an issue with the Shadows: Awakening game showing a purple screen instead of the main menu.
- Resolves an issue with the blurry icon in Microsoft Teams.
General enhancements
- We have simplified the way of sharing the Mac’s camera with Windows. Now you can do this either on the Sound & Camera tab of the virtual machine configuration, in the title bar of the virtual machine window, or from the Devices menu in the macOS menu bar.
- Easier way to get help from Parallels - click Help > Support Center to access the webpage where you can find the most popular knowledgeable articles, links to the Parallels forums, social media and technical documentation, get personalized support and much more.
- Resolves an issue with not being able to start a Boot Camp virtual machine if the Mac’s hard disk is larger than 2 TB.
- Resolves an issue with links redirection after installing a Windows 10 update - links set to open in Mac started opening in Windows.
- Resolves a seldom issue with not being able to start Parallels Desktop restored from a Time Machine backup.
- Resolves an issue with Parallels Desktop not appearing in the macOS 10.14 Mojave Privacy settings to get access to the camera and microphone.
- Resolves an issue with the mouse cursor remaining Windows-like after switching to macOS from Windows running in game mode.
- Resolves an issue with not being able to transfer data to the two-way radio USB dongle.
- Resolves an issue with the Lodestar X2 USB camera not detected by the PhD2 application.
- Resolves an issue with a virtual machine freezing on shutdown or resume if the virtual machine configuration contains 2 or more SATA disks.
- Resolves an issue with the HP LaserJet P2035 printer printing to a wrong tray.
Linux support
- Resolves an issue with Parallels Tools not installing in openSUSE Leap 15.
- Resolves an issue with Parallels Tools not working in Linux virtual machines with X Server 1.20.
- Resolves an issue with Parallels Tools not installing in the Ubuntu Linux virtual appliance.
- Resolves an issue with Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machines not responding to mouse clicks after waking from sleep in Coherence view mode.
- Resolves an issue with Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machines periodically crashing or locking up.
- Resolves an issue with incorrect screen resolution of Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machines running in Coherence in a multi-monitor configuration.
- Resolves an issue with not being able to mount the same shared folder twice in a Linux virtual machine.
For Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition only
- Resolves an issue with the Parallels auto-deploy package not working to install or upgrade to Parallels Desktop 14 using Casper Suite v.9.101.
- Resolves an issue with Parallels Desktop freezing on start if the Active Directory responses are slow.
Other improvements
- Resolves an issue with two identical Recovery Partitions available in the Free Systems section of the Installation Assistant.
- Resolves an issue when a Mac has two Recovery Partitions with different versions of macOS, a user chooses to install macOS from one partition but Parallels Desktop installs it from the other.
- Resolves an issue when two GUI messages are displayed at a time and the top message doesn’t respond to mouse clicks.
- Resolves an issue with Parallels Desktop not starting after reinstallation if the previous copy was corrupted and didn’t work.
- Resolves a seldom issue with Parallels Desktop periodically asking a user to re- enter the user’s credentials.
- Resolves an issue with Parallels Desktop trying to reinstall when the user’s home directory is located in any place other than /Users.
- Resolves an issue with Parallels Tools for Mac not installing in a virtual machine using the command-line interface.
- Resolves an issue with Parallels Transporter Agent crashing periodically on a remote computer because of conflicts with OpenGL.
- Resolves an issue with the Japanese hieroglyphs hardly visible on the Download Windows screen.
Dal sito dello sviluppatore è disponibile anche una versione Trial di 14 giorni del prodotto.
I requisiti di sistema sono: macOS Mojave 10.14, macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, macOS Sierra 10.12.6, OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 o versioni successive - Mac con processore Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, Intel Core M oppure Xeon - 600MB di spazio libero sul volume di avvio (Macintosh HD) per l’installazione di Parallels Desktop. Ulteriore spazio su disco per le macchine virtuali (per prestazioni superiori, si consigliano unità SSD). - 4GB di RAM (8GB raccomandati) - Connessione Internet.
Parallels Desktop 14 per Mac è in vendita al prezzo di € 79,99 per un abbonamento annuale o € 99,99 per una licenza perpetua. Parallels Desktop per Mac Pro Edition e Business Edition sono disponibili per i nuovi clienti a € 99,99 l'anno. I clienti con una licenza perpetua a Parallels Desktop 12 e 13 possono eseguire l'aggiornamento a Parallels Desktop 14 per € 49,99 o eseguire l'aggiornamento a un abbonamento a Parallels Desktop per Mac Pro Edition per € 49,99 l'anno. Gli abbonamenti a Parallels Desktop comprendono un abbonamento gratuito contestuale a Parallels Toolbox per Mac o Windows, oltre a Parallels Access.
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