FotoMagico, utilizzato da migliaia di fotografi professionisti e dilettanti di tutto il mondo, è il modo più semplice per creare una splendida presentazione sul vostro Mac, miscelando le foto con filmati e audio, per un effetto di narrazione come nessun altro.
A questo link sono pubblicate maggiori informazioni sull'aggiornamento a FotoMagico 5 da parte di coloro che hanno acquistato FotoMagico 3 o 4 dal Mac App Store.
Principali funzionalità (in inglese) della versione 5.0:
- Knock the socks of your audience with your live presentations
- Step up your wedding photography game and make the newlyweds happy
- Relive and retell your travel adventures
- Save a lot of time animating stills for your Final Cut Pro X projects
- Spice up your storefront window or Point of Sales signage
- Be endlessly creative and get impressive results quickly
- Make your photos and videos stand out with brilliant quality
- Snippets give you a whole new way to compose complex slideshows quickly by simply choosing from a collection of pre-built story parts and adding in your own photos and videos
- Music Snippets keep you out of copyright troubles by providing free to use CC licensed music and the proper attribution
- Animation Assistant lets you choose from a variety of styles to automatically make your slideshow move
- Improved Text Editing and Text Placeholders make it a snap to express yourself. Automatically insert slideshow title, author, music title and artist or filename, EXIF metadata and more to quickly create a portfolio show.
- Audio Marker Assistant helps you to keep music and slides in perfect harmony (Pro Feature via In-App Purchase)
- Audio Volume Envelopes & Fades – the most requested new feature! Use envelopes to make parts of the music softer when you intend to speak, or if video volume should take center stage, or increase volume when you want to enhance the mood. (Pro Feature via In-App Purchase)
- Completely new dark user interface
- Timeline View displays the timing of the slideshow in a more intuitive way
- Extra audio track and recording mode for narration
- Direct access to Aperture and Lightroom photo libraries
- Teleprompter view supports you when giving a live presentation
- Chapters let you group your slides for a better overview
- Masks and Borders give you more creative possibilities
- Additional export options: Standalone Player, ProRes video file, custom video format
Novità (in inglese) nella versione 5.2.1
- Added French help.
- New experimental audio player that can do seamless audio loops.
- Videos from Adobe Lightroom are now correctly displayed in the Movies browser.
- Excessively slow opening of documents in some situation has been fixed.
- Various stabilty improvements and small fixes.
Boinx FotoMagico 5.2.1 (in inglese, francese e tedesco) per OS X 10.10 o superiore è in vendita sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 49,99 (Offre acquisti in-app).
A questo link sono pubblicate le note di rilascio di FotoMagico 5.2.1 e la versione demo del prodotto.
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