giovedì 13 ottobre 2016

How To Make Your iPhone Faster Than Ever: A former Apple Employee's real fixes for a faster iPhone, iPad, and iPod

How To Make Your iPhone Faster Than Ever: A former Apple Employee's real fixes for a faster iPhone, iPad, and iPodContenuto dell'eBook:

"If you believe your iPhone and iPad have been getting slower over time, you’re probably right. The decline in speed happens so gradually that it’s almost imperceptible, but eventually you realize that the menus are sluggish, apps are responding slowly, and Safari is taking forever to load simple websites.

In this eBook, I’ll explain the real reasons why your iPhone is so slow and show you the fixes that will make your iPhone, iPad, or iPod run as fast as possible.

All of the fixes I describe in this eBook work equally well for iPhones, iPads, and iPods, because they all run Apple’s iOS operating system. As we’ll discover, it’s software, not hardware, that is the root of the problem." (David Payette)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "How To Make Your iPhone Faster Than Ever: A former Apple Employee's real fixes for a faster iPhone, iPad, and iPod" di David Payette, edito da Payette Forward, Inc., è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 8,92.

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