martedì 7 settembre 2010

Excel 2010 in Easy Steps

Contenuto del volume:

Excel 2010 in easy steps introduces the Ribbon interface improved in this version. It shows you how to create and manipulate worksheets, starting with the basic concepts and then introducing functions and features that allow you to organize and manage vast amounts of information. It covers the Excel Table data list structures, advanced functions and Excel add-ins, and shows you how to present your worksheet data in chart formats.

The book will help you to create macros, recorded or via Visual Basic. You'll learn how to use templates, tools and other resources to help you apply Excel to various tasks. You'll link your worksheets to other workbooks and to data sources on the Internet to get automatic updates.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Excel 2010 in Easy Steps" di Michael Price, edito da In Easy Steps Limited, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 10,03.

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