venerdì 10 settembre 2010

Excel Dashboards and Reports

Contenuto del volume:

The go to resource for how to use Excel dashboards and reports to better conceptualize data Many Excel books do an adequate job of discussing the individual functions and tools that can be used to create an Excel Report. What they don't offer is the most effective ways to present and report data. Offering a comprehensive review of a wide array of technical and analytical concepts, Excel Reports and Dashboards helps Excel users go from reporting data with simple tables full of dull numbers, to presenting key information through the use of high-impact, meaningful reports and dashboards that will wow management both visually and substantively.

* Details how to analyze large amounts of data and report the results in a meaningful, eye-catching visualization * Describes how to use different perspectives to achieve better visibility into data, as well as how to slice data into various views on the fly * Shows how to automate redundant reporting and analyses

Part technical manual, part analytical guidebook, Excel Dashboards and Reports is the latest addition to the Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf series and is the leading resource for learning to create dashboard reports in an easy-to-use format that's both visually attractive and effective.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Excel Dashboards and Reports" di John Walkenbach e Michael Alexander, edito da John Wiley and Sons Ltd, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 26,78.

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