sabato 21 giugno 2014

After Effects Expressions

After Effects Expressions
Contenuto del volume:

Put the power of Expressions to work in your animations with controls and efficiencies impossible to achieve with traditional keyframing techniques.

No programming skills are required. Foundation concepts and skills orient the new designer and serve as a handy reference to the experienced one. Basics of creating expressions, variables, commands, and expression helpers precede the leap into JavaScript and math essentials for more advanced expressions that include randomness, physical simularions and 3D.

Full color illustrations display the scripts and the resulting effects, pickwhip techniques, and sequential animations.
Downloadable companion files include QuickTime movies of the demo animations, and AE project files that permit you to examine the Expressions. Extensive notes are provided to aid you in implementing the extensive library of Expressions available for your use on Adobe LiveDocs.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "After Effects Expressions" di Marcus Geduld, edito da Focal Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 30,85 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 25,23.

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