sabato 28 marzo 2015

Learn Photoshop CC With Pictures: The Visual & Fast Way To Learn Photoshop

Learn Photoshop CC With Pictures: The Visual & Fast Way To Learn Photoshop
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Learn Photoshop CC With Pictures aims at teaching you how to use photoshop as much easily as possible, it uses pictures as the primary method for teaching the concepts of the Program. The contents of the book are ordered so that you could achieve methods faster, as it focuses on the important Photoshop tools first, then goes into the less important yet useful one.

The visual nature of this book, and the easy language of it makes it suitable for Photoshop beginners, but many medium-level users can find it useful too. Using pictures to teach you photoshop made easy to write a book so that it won't contain a lot of text compared to the other Photoshop books, there are less than 150 words per page on average

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Learn Photoshop CC With Pictures: The Visual & Fast Way To Learn Photoshop" di Monia Mier è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 14,79.

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