giovedì 8 gennaio 2015

Apps Unveiled: January 2015

Apps Unveiled: January 2015
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"Let me begin by wishing all of you a very happy and prosperous New Year. 2015 has begun on a truly encouraging note for us, thanks to the positive response and feedback that we have received from our readers worldwide. The real force that compels us to excel in our work is the appreciation and acceptance that we have received from our readers. Our endeavour would be to continuously upscale the quality of the magazine, keeping you updated with the latest mobile applications that are available only to make your complicated life simpler, everyday!

Since the creation of smartphones, thousands of apps have been released and utilized. From apps as strange as telling you how your mood is, to apps that give you your horoscope, the possibilities of these things are endless. So why not to have the apps that lets you create your bucket list- the list of things that you want to do in this life. It's New Year, so new resolutions, new goals and new wishes. So kick start this New Year by having your bucket list right in your pocket and live your dreams, add meaning to your life by fulfilling each wish on your bucket list.

In the pages that follow, you'll find the list of “15 must-have” apps. Whether you are a corporate executive, homemaker or student, tech savvy or not, new or existing smartphone user, these apps are essentials for everyone. Why 15, you may ask. It is 2015, so 15 apps. What's more, find out the latest mobile games and apps launched last month. All-in-all, this month's issue has apps that are of everyone's interest. So grab your copy today and explore some of the finest, coolest and latest apps in the virtual world. Happy Reading :-)" (Jyoti Aggarwal)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Apps Unveiled: January 2015" di Jyoti Aggarwal, edito da AppCrazy Media Private Limited, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,99.

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