sabato 21 novembre 2015

iPad Pro: Beginner's Guide

iPad Pro: Beginner's Guide
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The iPad Pro is Apple’s largest device ever. This 12.9-inch thin, light weight tablet is slated to enlarge the view of objects. This innovation will capture the heart of the world with its exceptional resolution alongside its excellent features. This will enhance the iPad Pro user’s experience.

The iPad Pro Release Date It is expected that the Apple’s iPad Pro release date will be November of 2015. iPad users highly anticipate this extraordinary device in the technology market.

The iPad Pro Processor The iPad Pro is 1.8 times faster in carrying out CPU tasks and two times as fast at GPU tasks when compared to its predecessor, the iPad Air 2 which has an A8X. This is made possible by the 64-bit chip with a built in M9 motion co-processor.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "iPad Pro: Beginner's Guide" di Alexander Herolson è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,56 e come libro tradizionale anche su al prezzo di Euro 9,27.

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