sabato 21 novembre 2015

iPad Pro Guide: The Ultimate Guide for iPad Pro, iPad & iPad mini

iPad Pro Guide: The Ultimate Guide for iPad Pro, iPad & iPad mini
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Brought to you by the expert team at Stopframe and written by best-selling technology author Tom Rudderham, iPad Pro Guide is packed with top tips and in-depth tutorials. You'll discover the history of the iPad, how to use Apple Pencil, uncover the amazing built-in apps, stream music and listen to Beats 1 on Apple Music and much more.

The iPad Pro is Apples most advanced tablet to date. It features a massive 12.9-inch display, four stereo speakers, the 64-bit A9X chip, a camera that can capture 1080p plus more. iPad Pro Guide explores these new technologies and explains how they enrich the experience of every user.

You'll also discover some incredibly in-depth tutorials for apps including Safari and Photos, learn how to edit your photos, create and share albums, browse the web in secrecy and more. By the time you've finished reading iPad Pro Guide you'll be pro in nearly everything iPad related.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "iPad Pro Guide: The Ultimate Guide for iPad Pro, iPad & iPad mini" di Tom Rudderham, edito da Stopframe Ltd, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,99.

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