martedì 3 novembre 2015

The New Apple TV: A Guide With Tips and Tricks

The New Apple TV: A Guide With Tips and Tricks
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Apple is renowned for introducing some of the most acclaimed software on the market. It holds an impressive reputation, making improvements aimed at modernizing old models layout. Apple has recognized that TV is a significant part of our lives and that in recent times, apps have become the future of TV.

The New Apple TV is similar to its predecessors in terms of its design and build, however, it a bit thicker and heavier that previous televisions. The addition of the New Apple TV to the streaming device landscape will be welcomed by Apple fans. Apple has created a new operating system called tvOS which operates similar to a hybrid of iOS and OS X. This allows you to connect to your screen, using a smart Siri to search for something to watch. It also includes universal search result that allow searches across a wide number of streaming video services in addition to Apple’s iTunes Store.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "The New Apple TV: A Guide With Tips and Tricks" di Alexander Herolson è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,56 e come libro tradizionale anche su al prezzo di Euro 9,27.

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