mercoledì 21 agosto 2013

100 Beginner WordPress Tips (See How Tips)

100 Beginner WordPress Tips (See How Tips)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

WordPress makes it easy to manage your website, but how easily are you managing WordPress?

These 100 fully-illustrated tips will make things easier, faster, more secure, and more enjoyable for users of this popular software. For example, you'll learn:
  • How to make changes to hundreds of Posts at one time
  • Why you should never have the username "admin"
  • What settings you need to pay attention to when inserting an image
  • Which default settings you should change right after installing WordPress
  • And how to tame the often-frustrating Text Editor

Veteran WordPress instructor George Plumley keeps things short and to the point, with lots of screenshots to guide you, so you'll get really comfortable with WordPress.

On your tablet, your smartphone, or in another window, this ebook makes a handy reference tool while you're working with WordPress. And the unique menu system and index make it a snap to get to any tip quickly, to get around inside each tip, and to find related tips.

All tips and screenshots are current to the latest version of WordPress - version 3.6.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "100 Beginner WordPress Tips (See How Tips)" di George Plumley è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 4,65.

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