giovedì 15 agosto 2013

Microsoft Word VBA Codes Are Easy to Learn Under an Hour for Some People (VBA Codes Are Fun, Simple, and Easy to Learn In One Hour or Less)

Microsoft Word VBA Codes Are Easy to Learn Under an Hour for Some People (VBA Codes Are Fun, Simple, and Easy to Learn In One Hour or Less)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"You can quickly learn what a comment, an array, a variable, a text string, a VBA loop Statement, a With Statement, a Set Statement, a Dim Statement and the basic functions of Microsoft Word 2010 VBA from the pages of this small book, but you must first have the desire to learn VBA; without the desire, you’ll only end up being disappointed in this book or any other book. When a person lacks an interest or a desire in a particular topic or matter, he or she just finds excuses to convince himself or herself that it’s someone else’s fault that he or she isn’t grasping a topic or doing well with subject matter. Let me immediately put your minds at ease. I don’t ascribe to societal stereotypes, i.e., I don’t believe that some groups or some individuals are smarter than others. My entire life has been spent teaching myself computer program languages, and I’ve never learned any of them from a college, a university or a tutor. I mostly used the help menus and built-in libraries that usually come with program languages. Just because I’m self-taught doesn’t make me smart—it simply means that I have always been drawn to computer program languages; I’ve always taken a strong interest in learning as many program languages as I could. It’s because my desire is intense and strong, when it comes to program languages, that I do well with them, but I’ve never been interested in learning in an environment that is structured or controlled by someone else, because I like to allow my own mind to be in complete control of my learning experiences. This could also be why some people who have tried computer languages in the past have given up on them. Some people just like to work at their own pace, and I like a very fast pace, when it comes to learning. I bore too easily to spend more than an hour learning any type of subject matter, even VBA, so I always keep that in mind when I design a tutorial-type book for others.

Everyone is different. There are plenty of people who hate program languages, but they learn them, because they realize that these languages can reduce the time spent on every day, boring, repetitive task that usually take up most of a person’s day, when the tasks are completed manually. If you don’t have an interest in mastering Microsoft VBA in Microsoft Word, that’s alright. You don’t have to know the language inside out, in order to make it serve you well and reduce your daily workload. How can VBA benefit you, if you’re not a programmer? That’s the mistake that so many people make. VBA would be a more effective tool in the hands of people like Administrative Assistants, Project Managers, Clerks and even Customer Service Reps. These individuals are tasked with working with far more data than any programmer has ever been tasked with; regularly, these groups spend hours, days and weeks on repetitive tasks that many of them hate. With VBA, an individual can reduce a manual task that takes him or her about 8 hours to complete manually down to a task that takes less than a second to complete. Projects and tasks that take weeks or months can also be reduced down to tasks that only take a few minutes to complete. It’s understandable why so few of the people who should be using VBA and other program languages don’t use them. Society has taught many people that only smart people are programmers. Another reason that many people who should be using VBA to reduce their workloads aren’t using it is because companies like to promote titles, i.e., programmers are important people—not the Clerks, Administrative Assistants and Customer Service Reps., but there’s no employer that will complain when one of their entry-level associates uses VBA to bring efficiency into the department, the unit or the company. That’s what I try to do with this book and my other two books in this series. I try to avoid using computer language (i.e., terminology) in my books, because it’s really not necessary." (Kenny L Keys)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Microsoft Word VBA Codes Are Easy to Learn Under an Hour for Some People (VBA Codes Are Fun, Simple, and Easy to Learn In One Hour or Less)" di Kenny L Keys è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,97.

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