sabato 17 agosto 2013

How to Touch Type - Quick and Easy

How to Touch Type - Quick and Easy
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Now, your ability to type matters.

A clear, easy-to-read guide at a price everyone can afford. You don't need expensive software or huge guides - this simple, clear friendly book will quickly and easily give you the complete ability to touch type, using clear, friendly illustrations throughout. Includes complete typing theory and practice for the entire keyboard and tenkey that you can learn at your own pace.

Whether you work in a company or study in a school, whether you're a home-worker or an office worker, your ability to do more with a computer in limited time, or else to do things faster and give yourself more free time is an essential skill that will help you throughout your life.

This book was created not because the author can touch-type, although he can, but because of events in a classroom one summer afternoon. In the computer room of a junior high school, the author was showing the children how to do something new on the computer, and noticed that they were all looking at his hands instead of the screen. They started to try to imitate what they'd seen, the hands moving swiftly and effortlessly across the keyboard. It was suddenly obvious that a clear, easy-to-read book about typing at a price everyone can afford would benefit every school and university student in the modern world, as well as those people who use computers as part of their job. Your ability to do more on a computer with limited time, or else to do things faster and so have more free time, is set by the limitations of your own abilities. This book will quickly and easily give you those abilities, abilities that have become essential in our worldwide digital market, and abilities that you can learn quickly and easily without having to buy expensive software or large books.

The spread of high-speed internet access combined with a continual reduction in computer prices has lead to a continuing increase of computer-literate workers across the globe, selling their skills on an international market.

The author has been programming, designing and teaching for 20 years, currently teaches in a junior high school, and believes that the new technology that now exists can empower everyone, and that clear, easy-to-read guides at prices that everyone can afford should be much more readily available.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "How to Touch Type - Quick and Easy" di Darryl Cook è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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