giovedì 15 agosto 2013

MakeUseOf Tablet Buying Guide: Summer 2013

MakeUseOf Tablet Buying Guide: Summer 2013
Contenuto dell'eBook:

So what makes an iPad worth all the hype? What's Android? Windows 8? From Samsung to Surface, the list of tablet terms goes on and on. There are many manufacturers making tablets of all shapes and sizes running a great variety of software, and how do you know which one is right for you? This guide will put in simple language the facts you need to know about all the kinds of tablets out there, and based on some key facts which one you should ultimately purchase.

Tablets are in a sort of sweet spot between a laptop and a smartphone, offering often similar software you'd find on a smartphone (though some few DO run a fully-fledged edition of Windows) with the screen real estate akin to your laptop. While there are a multitude of screen sizes and operating systems you can find on today's tablets, this guide by Joshua Sherman hopes to break down the many flavors of devices that are tablets and help you decide which one meets you needs, interests, and of course your budget.

You will learn:
  • About the various tablets on the market today.
  • Who the big manufacturers and developers are.
  • Important facts about the differences between devices and ecosystems.
  • Comparisons of devices.
  • Examples of what sort of usage would suit each device.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "MakeUseOf Tablet Buying Guide: Summer 2013" di Joshua Sherman, Justin Pot e Angela Alcorn è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

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