mercoledì 21 agosto 2013

SVG Compressed

SVG Compressed
Contenuto dell'eBook:

SVG is short for Scalable Vector Graphics. It is a graphics format used to display vector graphics in web browsers. Vector graphics are graphics described by vectors (numbers) rather than pixels. The vectors describe the shapes the image consists of. The SVG viewer (e.g. a web browser) will calculate the size of the shape and draw it.

Vector graphics can be scaled up and down in size without losing quality. The vectors (numbers) are simply scaled up or down before the shape is drawn. This results in perfect scaling of the images, and avoids the pixelation or quality loss from scaling bitmap images up or down.

Vector graphics is ideal for charts, logos and icons. Due to the many different device screen sizes available today, having graphics in your web pages or web applications that can be scaled up and down in size without loss of quality, is a big advantage.

The support for SVG in web browsers is now finally so good that it makes sense to use SVG in your web projects. SVG is finally ready for prime time!

This book teaches web developers SVG. The book is full of examples making it easier to grasp the concepts explained in the book. The book is targeted at somewhat experienced web developers who already have a reasonable understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript (although you do not need to be an expert).

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "SVG Compressed" di Jakob Jenkov, edito da Jenkov Aps, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

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