giovedì 29 agosto 2013

iPads in the Classroom: A Development of a Taxonomy for the Use of Tablets in Schools

iPads in the Classroom: A Development of a Taxonomy for the Use of Tablets in Schools
Contenuto del volume:

The current media landscape is changing and growing at a fast pace which is increasingly affecting the school sector. Numerous schools all over the world have already focused on the value added to lessons by tablet computers, such as Apple’s iPad.

A myriad of learning applications and ways to transfer subject matters are provided on and through such devices.

However, at the present time, there is little experience with respect to the didactically reasonable inclusion of tablets in schools.

Therefore, the motivation of this book, which is based on a diploma thesis, is to provide a general overview of the didactical integration of tablets, in this case, Apple’s iPad.

Within a field experiment educational apps are being tested and evaluated according to the Austrian curriculum for foreign languages as well as iOS Human Interface Guidelines that focus on user interface and user experience.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPads in the Classroom: A Development of a Taxonomy for the Use of Tablets in Schools" di Sabrina Huber, Martin Ebner e Sandra Schön, edito da Books on Demand, è in vendita su al prezzo di Euro 24,93 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 20,99.

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