giovedì 22 agosto 2013

WordPress Primer: The Newbie Friendly, Plain English, Illustrated, Idiot Proof Method To Install WordPress On A Website Without Pulling Your Hair Out

WordPress Primer: The Newbie Friendly, Plain English, Illustrated, Idiot Proof Method To Install WordPress On A Website Without Pulling Your Hair Out
Contenuto dell'eBook:

WordPress Primer is a book aimed at first time or novice users of the popular publishing platform WordPress.

For most people, trying to make sense of all of the settings, jargon and add ons to this public domain program can be frustrating and time consuming. Learning WordPress shouldn't have to be this time consuming. What if there was a way to cut through all of this red tape and make installing WordPress easier?

This guide shows the budding publisher the way to get everything installed without losing an entire week.

It covers everything from logging into the main control panel to creating that all important first post. Every part of the WordPress platform is examined and explained. There are things that need to be changed and others that can be left alone on a first time installation of WordPress.

Readers will enjoy the many illustrations that accompany the text and serve to show exactly what is necessary in order to finalize their website.

Once the set up is finished, the author takes us through an installation of an actual WordPress site, showing the exact steps to get a webpage up and running.

Customers will also receive 4 bonuses: a comprehensive list of where to syndicate their content, places to find media for FREE, websites to use content for nothing and a few great keyboard tips that will make adding text a whole lot easier.

WordPress Primer is a comprehensive guide to making an attractive webpage for novices and will save considerable time and trouble.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "WordPress Primer: The Newbie Friendly, Plain English, Illustrated, Idiot Proof Method To Install WordPress On A Website Without Pulling Your Hair Out" di Martin Penzer è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 4,61.

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