venerdì 31 ottobre 2014

Creating Custom Maps and Textures in Photoshop

Creating Custom Maps and Textures in Photoshop
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Welcome to the exciting world of Photoshop, the leader in digital imaging excellence. Photoshop is not just about retouching images or manipulating photos; it can be used for creating custom textures. While there are some powerful 3D paint tools such as Mari that provides fluid and flexible way to paint directly onto the 3D models, Photoshop is still used by a vast majority digital artists and designers across the globe. This book presents a foundation of techniques to help you build custom textures and designs.

This book is written in an easy to understand language. The important terms are italicized and color coded so that you never miss them. This book is written using Photoshop CC. This book is aimed at creative professionals who wants to create creative designs, textures, maps, and backgrounds in Photoshop.

This book is specifically dedicated to those design and texturing artists who regularly use textures to add realism to their models/artwork. The internet is full of resources that you can use in your 3D project. However, there is every chance that you would like to create custom textures for your models. Photoshop offers endless opportunities when it comes to creating textures (creating unique textures).

You will learn how to use the tools and techniques available in Photoshop to create custom textures for your models and designs. The examples in this book show readers step-by-step the key techniques for creating textures, maps, and backgrounds in Photoshop CC, and how to effectively use filters and commands to create cool artwork. Each filter and command is explained so that you can relate them with the outcome you are seeing on the screen. In addition to the creating backgrounds, you will learn techniques to create bump, specular, reflection, displacement, and normal maps that you can use to give life to your 3D models. Also, you will learn to create seamless high-res textures.

The commands and tools are explained with examples and related screen captures. Additional information is provided in form of Tips, Notes, and Warnings. You will gain skills by completing the examples provided in the book.
  • Learn to create over 25+ textures, backgrounds, and maps using Photoshop.
  • Step-by-step instructions.
  • Photoshop commands and filters explained.
  • Various aspects of non-destructive editing explained.
  • Additional information provided in form of Tips, Notes, and Warnings.
  • Learn to create various maps including the Normal map.
  • Important terms are italicized and color coded so that you never miss them.
  • Support for technical aspect of the book.
  • Photoshop files available for download.
  • Free additional background texture are available for download for your personal use.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Creating Custom Maps and Textures in Photoshop" di Voxellaceous Creative Team è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 16,25.

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