venerdì 31 ottobre 2014

iPad Productivity Guide - Do More Wherever You Are: Be more productive with this laser focused guide for information workers

iPad Productivity Guide - Do More Wherever You Are: Be more productive with this laser focused guide for information workers
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Learn how to do more wherever you are with the iPad Productivity Guide. Whether you are at home, in the office or working from a coffee shop this short guide will help you get your iPad setup so it is ready for work. Written specifically for iOS 8 this book is bang up to date with the latest information and work flow practises. The author goes beyond basic setup and shows you his workflow so that you can benefit from his years of experience and get ahead of the game. The book introduces you to a number of key productivity apps such as:
  • Evernote
  • Wunderlist
  • Documents
  • Penultimate
  • Skitch

These introductions provide you simple actionable tips that enable you to make the most out of your iPad tablet. They provide the solid foundations for your own workflow and ensure that you have the tools to work anytime and anywhere.

This book is squarely aimed at those who want to work with their iPad and get stuff done. So, if you one of the following then this is for you:
  • Individuals who are part a large organisation who bring their own devices
  • Small business owners who need or want to be mobile
  • Workers who have been handed an iPad and told to get on with it
  • People who want to use their tablet to develop a gig on the side

Join the mobile worker revolution by making the most out of your iPad and untether yourself from that laptop and power socket.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "iPad Productivity Guide - Do More Wherever You Are: Be more productive with this laser focused guide for information workers" di Gary Judge è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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