venerdì 31 ottobre 2014

Precision Photoshop: Creating Powerful Visual Effects

Precision Photoshop: Creating Powerful Visual Effects
Contenuto dell'eBook:

In clear, conversational language using extensive images and screenshots, this book provides in-depth guidance on learning how to use Photoshop. Requiring no prior experience, the book first offers a step-by-step beginner’s tutorial on the main features of Photoshop. It next provides solutions to the most common questions asked by new Photoshop users.

The author explains how to customize brushes, work with camera raw files, and use 3D and video within Photoshop. She also covers more advanced tutorials involving higher concepts and specific source images.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Precision Photoshop: Creating Powerful Visual Effects" di Lopsie Schwartz, edito da A K Peters/CRC Press, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 34,12.

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