venerdì 24 ottobre 2014

OS X Yosemite: An Easy Guide to OS X Yosemite's 50+ Best Features

OS X Yosemite: An Easy Guide to OS X Yosemite's 50+ Best Features
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"The OS X Yosemite is the newest operating system released by Apple Inc. This new software was announced in June of 2014 and finally made available to the public at the end of the following month.

The release came with heightened expectations and reviews which deemed its launch timely, its design beautiful and its capabilities amazing and efficient. While facilitating ease of use, they have emphasized security that will be monitored by the efficient use of the Apple ID. The purpose of this piece is to elaborate on these capabilities and their purported efficiencies.

We will attempt to answer the question of what the OS X Yosemite can do for users and expand the knowledge base surrounding this newest operating system and it applicability in today's modern but dynamic computing environment." (Michael Glint)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "OS X Yosemite: An Easy Guide to OS X Yosemite's 50+ Best Features" di Michael Glint, edito da Conceptual Kings, è in vendita su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch, iPad e Mac al prezzo di Euro 3,49.

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