sabato 18 ottobre 2014

Windows Operating System Tools: Learn how to navigate to areas of your Computer to uninstall programs, check performance issues, use Windows Remote Assistance ... (PC Technology Book 11)

Windows Operating System Tools: Learn how to navigate to areas of your Computer to uninstall programs, check performance issues, use Windows Remote Assistance ... (PC Technology Book 11)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Have you ever wondered how to uninstall a Windows application correctly, or needed to gather your computer's system information.

This E-Book guides you through a simple process to help you manage your Microsoft Windows Operating System on your computer.

Brief description and illustrations make it easy for you to understand what each Windows Operating System tool does.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Windows Operating System Tools: Learn how to navigate to areas of your Computer to uninstall programs, check performance issues, use Windows Remote Assistance ... (PC Technology Book 11)" di Todd A. Tiberio Sr. è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 4,07.

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