domenica 19 ottobre 2014

Using OS X Yosemite Server at Home

Using OS X Yosemite Server at Home
Contenuto dell'eBook:

If you're thinking of using OS X Yosemite Server to manage computers and mobile devices in your home or small business, this is the guide for you.

Using OS X Yosemite Server at Home guides you step by step through installing, configuring and working with Apple's server platform. The 782 page eBook illustrates, with hundreds of colour screenshots, how it tightly integrates with Macs, Windows PCs, iOS devices like iPads and iPhone and the Cloud to create a seamless computing experience at home, at work or on the move.

Written in straightforward language for everyday users and those new to OS X Server, the eBook provides a comprehensive guide to OS X Server's new and improved features.

Learn about file and folder sharing with Macs, PCs, Mobile devices and the web, setting up shared family calendars and contacts, using VPN and Back to My Mac to access your home or office devices remotely, backing up with the Time Machine service, managing iPhones, iPads and Macs with Profile Manager, publishing custom websites with PHP, Apache and MySQL support, media streaming, securing access with Yosemite Server's new Firewall, serving software updates to your Macs, running your own Mail server at home, and a whole lot more.

Using OS X Yosemite Server at Home also provides a detailed guide to the latest revisions to Apple's iCloud services, demonstrating how improved cloud integration across OS X Server, OS X, iOS 8 and other devices keeps family, friends and colleagues connected with easy file synchronisation, online photo sharing and storage, shared apps and other iTunes purchases, shared calendars and other family sharing features.

For those more experienced with OS X Server, Using OS X Yosemite Server at Home provides essential details on what's changed from OS X Mavericks, speeding up your deployment and allowing you to get to grips quickly with the latest features.

If you're new to OS X Server or simply upgrading from the last release, you'll find Using OS X Yosemite Server at Home an indispensable guide to help you get excited, get going and do more with Apple's latest server release.

Chapter List
  1. Choosing Your Hardware
  2. What's New in OS X Yosemite?
  3. Who Needs a Home Server Anyway?
  4. Installing OS X Yosemite Server
  5. The Server App
  6. Network Configuration
  7. Managing Storage - Disks, RAID Sets and the Cloud
  8. Users and User Groups
  9. Securing Access to the Server
  10. Managing OS X Devices With Profile Manager
  11. Managing iOS Devices With Profile Manager
  12. iCloud and Family Sharing
  13. File and Folder Sharing
  14. Media Streaming
  15. Managing a Shared Family Address Book
  16. Create a Shared Family Calendar
  17. Setting Up Messages
  18. Backing Up Your Macs to Yosemite Server With Time Machine
  19. Backing Up Windows PCs to Yosemite Server
  20. Access Yosemite Server From Anywhere With VPN
  21. Create and Host Websites, Blogs and Wikis
  22. Host Custom Websites Using Apache, PHP and MySQL
  23. Access Your Server With FTP
  24. Manage Your Mail With OS X Server
  25. Managing Mac Updates With Software Update
  26. Manage App Store Updates With the OS X Caching Service

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Using OS X Yosemite Server at Home" di Terry Walsh, edito da We Got Served Ltd., è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 19,86 e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch, iPad e Mac al prezzo di Euro 20,99.

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