giovedì 15 ottobre 2015

Aggiornamento 1Password 5.4 per OS X

Aggiornamento 1Password 5.4 per OS X
AgileBits Inc. ha pubblicato l'aggiornamento alla versione 5.4 del software 1Password.

Avete mai dimenticato una password? 1Password può ricordarle tutte per voi e tenerle al sicuro. Tutto quello che dovrete ricordare sarà la vostra Password Master.

Amata ed utilizzata da milioni di utenti. Provate 1Password oggi stesso!


Ogni giorno ci sono nuove password da ricordare. Quando se ne creano di nuove, spesso le si dimentica. Se utilizzate la medesima password più e più volte, diventerete vulnerabili. 1Password risolve tutti questi problemi.
  • Create password forti ed uniche per ogni sito web
  • Tenete al sicuro i vostri dati, nascosti da una singola Password Master
  • Proteggetevi con un'autenticazione criptata AES a 256-bit anti manomissione
  • Il blocco automatico mantiene i vostri dati al sicuro anche se il vostro Mac dovesse essere perso o rubato


1Password non solo vi tiene al sicuro con password forti ed uniche, ma vi rende anche più produttivi.
  • Effettuate il login automatico nei siti web utilizzando i vostri browser preferiti
  • Riempite i moduli delle vostre carte di credito con un singolo click
  • Accedete rapidamente ai vostri dati ovunque vi troviate con 1Password mini
  • Aprite siti web ed effettuate automaticamente il login utilizzando la funzione dei preferiti Go & Fill


1Password vi permette di conservare molto più che semplici login a siti web. Tiene tutte le vostre informazioni importati a portata di dito.
  • Conserva i dati delle Carte di Credito, Note sicure, Passaporti, Conti Bancari, e molto altro
  • Ricorda in modo semplice le Domande Sicure dei siti web e genera risposte sicure
  • Conserva in modo sicuro documenti ed immagini
  • Non uscirete mai più di casa senza le vostre informazioni importanti


1Password supporta tutti i vostri dispositivi preferiti. Conservate le vostre informazioni critiche ovunque andiate.
  • Il supporto ad iCloud significa sincronizzazione sicura con la semplicità Apple
  • Il supporto a Dropbox fornisce una condivisione e sincronizzazione tra diverse piattaforme
  • Usate cartelle a vostra scelta per sincronizzare diversi computer tra loro, dentro una vostra rete sicura


1Password permette di organizzare i vostri dati in diverse casseforti e condividetele in modo sicuro con altri. Utilizzate casseforti separate per avere la libertà di scelta su cosa condividere e con chi.
  • Condividete accessi di lavoro con i vostri colleghi
  • Create una cassaforte di famiglia per la condivisione con il vostro partner
  • Distribuite chiavi criptate con il vostro team di sviluppo
  • Scambiate account e documenti con i vostri clienti

Le possibilità sono infinite! La cosa migliore è che potete condividere in modo sicuro le vostre casseforti in modo che ognuno possa avere le informazioni più recente.

Novità (in inglese) nella versione 5.4 comunicate dagli sviluppatori:
The Convenience Edition

1Password was created because the world needed an easier, more convenient way to stay secure in today’s technological landscape. In keeping with that tradition of convenience, we present to you an update designed to make your life a little less complicated!
- Large-type option for passwords makes them easier to read.
- Things change. Now your secondary vaults’ passwords can, too.
- The Top Layout View is better than ever.
- Security updates to address XARA vulnerabilities.

Large type
If you’ve ever squinted at a password because you have to enter your it on a device without 1Password support, this is for you! 1Password for Mac now can now display passwords in Large Type to make them easier to read. Now it’s easy to look at your Mac and enter your password on an Apple TV or read your Wi-Fi password off to guests. Oh, and if your bank asks you for the 4th, 10th, and 12th digits of your passwords, you’ll be happy to see that we’ve numbered each character to make those easier for you to find.

Change secondary vault password
Almost nothing is forever, and now that includes your secondary vaults’ passwords in 1Password for Mac. Thanks for all of the requests for this feature!

Refined top layout
If you like to keep a classic-looking layout, you’ll be happy to know we’ve made some improvements based on your feedback. Your items’ Rich Icons will be displayed, you can add and remove columns, and 1Password will remember how you left things.

Using new tools available in the latest OS X update, we’ve redesigned the communication pathways between the 1Password browser extension and 1Password mini to ensure that your data stays secret and secure. We’ll have a blog post on this soon, so stay tuned to for more details!

1Password 5.4 per OS X 10.10 (o versione successiva) e processore a 64 bit è in vendita sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 29,99

Disponibile anche la versione 1Password 6.0.1 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.0.2 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità nella versione 6.0.2 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    Greetings and salutations! The team has been hard at work on the next feature release of 1Password, and while we are still a few pumpkin spice lattes away from letting it see the light of day, we've received some great feedback from you that we wanted to address straight away.

    One of the things that we've seen is that 1Password is taking a long time to launch for some of you. If you're experiencing this problem please reach out to us at We made some changes in this release that should alleviate this problem, but just in case these fixes have not solved things for you, we'd love your help in gathering some more information about the problem.

    == Improved ==
    - Editing a secure note is now done in a dedicated full-screen view.
    - We made some security improvements when filling details into 1Browser and Safari.

    == Fixed ==
    - Fixed an issue that would cause PIN codes created in 1Password 5.5 to not be changed in 6.0.
    - Fixed a crash that could occur when editing an item after removing a field.
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.1 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità nella versione 6.1 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    == The Unity Edition ==

    It’s time to let you in on a secret. For months, everyone at AgileBits has been hard at work on an incredible new addition to the 1Password family: 1Password for Teams. With 1Password for Teams, everyone gets the simple, convenient security of 1Password, and you get the tools you need to control and manage access to your most important information. Visit to learn more about our awesome new product.

    Not only have we baked 1Password for Teams right into the very core of 1Password for iOS, we’ve also added features that bring some new shiny to the app you’ve come to love and trust! 1Password 6.1 gives you the ability to view all of your items across vaults and introduces support for 1Password for Teams. Keeping everything and everyone together has never been so easy!

    == TL;DR ==
    - An "All Vaults" view so you can get to any of your items, no matter which vault they’re in.
    - Support for 1Password for Teams accounts.
    - Little improvements here and there to show you just how much we care.

    == All Vaults ==
    When you have more than one vault, it can be really easy to forget where you’ve saved what, which can make it a bit complicated to find the item you're looking for. Now, you can view and search all of your items in all of your vaults by using All Vaults. But what if the whole reason you created a separate vault was to keep its items out of your way? No problem! If you don't want to include absolutely everything, go to Settings > Vaults > All Vaults and switch off the vaults you don't want to include. And would you look at how pretty that new All Vaults icon is?! I feel like a unicorn just looking at it.

    == 1Password for Teams ==
    If you've already scored a new 1Password for Teams account, you'll need a way to view those vaults on your pocket computers! To add a new account or manage an existing one, go to Settings > 1Password for Teams. Welcome and enjoy!

    == A Care Package, from Us to You ==
    From new and improved translations to better performance for humungo vaults, we sweat the details so you don't have to!
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.1.1 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità nella versione 6.1.1 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    Greetings, true believers! Thank you to everyone who has reached out to us about 1Password 6.1 — it's great to hear that you love All Vaults and 1Password for Teams as much as we do! We also appreciate you telling us about a snafu in 6.1 causing 1Password to crash for some of you. This release addresses that crash. Thanks again, and as always, stay smart, stay shiny, and stay secure.

    - Fixed an issue where 1Password would crash immediately after unlock.
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.1.2 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità nella versione 6.1.2 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    Hello again, true believers! As we continue our journey towards 1Password 6.2 we wanted to take a small detour and push out version 6.1.2 to address some of the larger pain points you've made us aware of via the forums. Thanks again, and as always, stay smart, stay shiny, and stay secure.

    - With this update 1Password for iOS now supports the new 1Password for Teams encryption algorithm.
    - This version contains a potential fix for the slow launch/slow unlock issues some of you have been seeing.
    - The Demo vault is no longer included in All Vaults (unless you explicitly tell it to be).
    - The tab bar icons for Favorites, Categories, Organize, and Settings have all had their constrast boosted to be easier on the eyes.
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.2 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità nella versione 6.2 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    = The Resolution Edition =

    Welcome to the new year! The holiday season is behind us and now it’s time to examine our priorities and set goals. At the top of our list: continue to make improvements to 1Password so it can always be a simple, reliable, fun way to help you stay secure. 1Password 6.2 for iOS is chock full of mini-resolutions to help us reach that goal.

    == TL;DR ==
    - Improvements to search, including the added ability to find items from the Favorites and Organize tabs.
    - Find out if any known security vulnerabilities might affect your accounts using Watchtower.
    - Copy and move items from vault to vault.
    - 3D Touch Quick Actions are available for compatible devices! Initiate search, view your favorites, or add an item from your iPhone 6S or 6S Plus home screen.
    - Peek, Pop, and preview items in 1Password.

    == We resolve to find what you need, fast ==
    Now you can search all of your items from the Favorites, Categories, or Organize tabs. If speed is most important to you, you can search only item names; if thoroughness is your cup of tea, you can search items in their entirety. We've also made tweaks to speed, added a clear button, improved sorting order, and made other enhancements to our search capabilities.

    == We resolve to keep you informed ==
    Watchtower is here! This optional service has been in our Mac app for quite a while, and we're thrilled to bring it to iOS. Watchtower monitors the latest security vulnerabilities from around the web and alerts you when your own accounts might need attention. To start using Watchtower, go to Settings > Security and tap the switch. If an item has a potential vulnerability, you'll see it in the item's details view.

    == We resolve to help you stay organized ==
    If you use 1Password for Teams or have more than one vault, you'll be pleased to hear that it's now easy to copy or move items from one vault to another. Just view the item's details, then tap "Move and Copy".

    == We resolve to help you Peek at life's details ==
    If you have an iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus, these features are for you! If you want to quickly bring up search, view your favorites, or add a new item, 3D Touch the 1Password icon on your home screen and select the Quick Action you want to perform. When you're in 1Password, find the item you're looking for and press lightly on it to Peek at its details. When you want to see the full details view, press deeper to Pop into it. Want to copy the contents of certain fields, paste, or open an item in 1Browser? Press lightly on the item, then swipe up!

    We value your workflow too much to prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please take some time to leave a rating and review on the App Store. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you so very much.

    We love hearing from you! Get in touch with us at, @1Password on Twitter, and and tell us your resolutions for the new year!

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