giovedì 1 ottobre 2015

Office 365 for Exchange Professionals (September 2015): Second edition

Office 365 for Exchange Professionals (September 2015): Second edition
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Master Microsoft Office 365 like a pro. The second edition (September 2015) of “Office 365 for Exchange Professionals” is essential reading if you're interested in Office 365, Microsoft's cloud office system and includes an additional 25% new material over the first edition. Some 100 million mailboxes are already running on the Exchange Online platform within Office 365 and companies are moving workload to the cloud in increasing amounts all the time. You can find documentation about Office 365, Exchange Online, and associated technologies on TechNet or scattered across a set of blogs (some of which are great, others are not so good), or you can find it collected here in the single most comprehensive coverage of the topic.

Written by three highly experienced Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs), Office 365 for Exchange Professionals is a practical hands-on manual based on the experience of the writers in working with a range of customers since the introduction of Office 365 in June 2011. The book includes in-depth instructions of all the activities required to migrate an on-premises Exchange deployment or to create a hybrid organization spanning cloud and on-premises components. The book is broken down into 19 chapters and an appendix covering the finer points of directory synchronization, a topic that receives special in-depth attention because it is so critical to migration projects.

The chapters are 1: Introducing Office 365. 2: Planning the move to Office 365 3: Migrating to Office 365 4: Managing hybrid connections 5: Managing Office 365 6: Managing Mailboxes 7: Distribution groups and Office 365 Groups 8: Managing Public Folders 9: Managing Addressing 10: Managing hybrid recipients 11: Managing mail flow 12: Office 365 clients 13: Retention policies 14: EDiscovery 15: Information Rights Management 16: Data Loss Prevention 17: Auditing Office 365 18: Making more of Office 365 with SharePoint, OneDrive, and Delve, and 19: Preparing Active Directory for the cloud.

The book is crammed full of practical examples (including many PowerShell code snippets) of how to work with Exchange Online and the other parts of Office 365. This version is accurate as of 16 September 2015. The intent of the authors is to update the book on a regular basis to match the updates and new features released by Microsoft to Office 365 tenants. The third edition is anticipated in April 2016 (no guarantee is given - everything depends on access to software and information from Microsoft). At that time, this version will be removed from Amazon and a new edition will be published.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Office 365 for Exchange Professionals (September 2015): Second edition" di Tony Redmond, Paul Cunningham, Michael Van Horenbeeck e Jeff Guillet è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 40,32.

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