venerdì 30 ottobre 2015

Apple iOS 9: Beginner's Guide

Apple iOS 9: Beginner's Guide
Contenuto dell'eBook:

The upgrade is finally here, which is absolutely good news for all apple users. The iOS 9 is Apple’s latest operating system operating on devices such as iPhone and iPad. This new operating system was launched on September 16, 2015. The iOS 9 is an enhanced version of the iOS 8 and iOS 7.

In comparison to the iOS 8 the iOS 9 boasts slightly improved content, upgraded features, better functionality, and performance enhancement. iOS 9 most major focus was on “intelligence” and proactivity. This allows for the devices to act more like the user’s personal assistant, making recommendations, opening apps before the user realizing that he/she need it. Needless to say, as a result of these upgrades the operating system is expected to be more user-friendly.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Apple iOS 9: Beginner's Guide" di Alexander Herolson è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,56 e come libro tradizionale anche su al prezzo di Euro 9,27.

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