sabato 3 ottobre 2015

Apple Watch & watchOS 2: Power User in an Hour!: Become a watchOS 2 authority! Learn what's new and maximize the potential of Apple Watch

Apple Watch & watchOS 2: Power User in an Hour!: Become a watchOS 2 authority! Learn what's new and maximize the potential of Apple Watch
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This is a supplemental textbook that follows a Udemy course by Caleb Stultz.
Buy this book and get the course for free here:

This course will guide you through the amazing new features and functionality in watchOS 2. You will learn how to use each new feature with complete confidence and maximize what you are able to do with your Apple Watch.
  • Discover new watch faces and powerful new features on the watch face
  • Protect your Apple Watch with new security features in watchOS 2
  • Streamline your productivity by utilizing Siri and her newest features

Being an early-adopter like yourself, you know how exciting it is when new software is released for your favorite devices. Apple surely did not disappoint with watchOS 2. The new update is faster the the previous 1.0 version and has so many performance upgrades, it runs like a second-generation device. You will learn to harness the power of these features and find ways to maximize your productivity at work, rely less on using your phone (which at times can be clunky and get in the way of life), and feel a little like a secret agent, too.

Tim Cook said in his keynote presentation announcing the Apple Watch, "I've been wanting to do this since I was 5 years old, the day is finally here," in reference to using the Apple Watch for calling and more. With watchOS 2, this feeling of excitement is re-born.

This course is designed for those who own an Apple Watch and have a basic understanding of how it works. My instruction is designed around a "from-the-ground-up" perspective, so if you're just starting out you will be successful too!
  • Explore the new Timelapse, Photo Album, and Single Photo watch faces
  • Customize watch faces with third-party Complications from top apps
  • See the future with Time Travel
  • Protect your Apple Watch with Activation Lock
  • Snooze in style with Nightstand Mode
  • Streamline your productivity by utilizing Siri
  • Reply to email with Siri Voice Dictation
  • Added convenience in sending Messages
  • Apple Music integration
  • Rock out with new Music app features
  • Work quicker with native watchOS 2 apps

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Apple Watch & watchOS 2: Power User in an Hour!: Become a watchOS 2 authority! Learn what's new and maximize the potential of Apple Watch" di Caleb Stultz è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 8,92.

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