lunedì 11 aprile 2016

Aggiornamento 1Password 6.2.1 per OS X

Aggiornamento 1Password 6.2.1 per OS X
AgileBits Inc. ha pubblicato l'aggiornamento alla versione 6.2.1 del software 1Password.

Avete mai dimenticato una password? 1Password può ricordarle tutte per voi e tenerle al sicuro. Tutto quello che dovrete ricordare sarà la vostra Password Master.

Amata ed utilizzata da milioni di utenti. Provate 1Password oggi stesso!


Ogni giorno ci sono nuove password da ricordare. Quando se ne creano di nuove, spesso le si dimentica. Se utilizzate la medesima password più e più volte, diventerete vulnerabili. 1Password risolve tutti questi problemi.
  • Create password forti ed uniche per ogni sito web
  • Tenete al sicuro i vostri dati, nascosti da una singola Password Master
  • Proteggetevi con un'autenticazione criptata AES a 256-bit anti manomissione
  • Il blocco automatico mantiene i vostri dati al sicuro anche se il vostro Mac dovesse essere perso o rubato


1Password non solo vi tiene al sicuro con password forti ed uniche, ma vi rende anche più produttivi.
  • Effettuate il login automatico nei siti web utilizzando i vostri browser preferiti
  • Riempite i moduli delle vostre carte di credito con un singolo click
  • Accedete rapidamente ai vostri dati ovunque vi troviate con 1Password mini
  • Aprite siti web ed effettuate automaticamente il login utilizzando la funzione dei preferiti Go & Fill


1Password vi permette di conservare molto più che semplici login a siti web. Tiene tutte le vostre informazioni importati a portata di dito.
  • Conserva i dati delle Carte di Credito, Note sicure, Passaporti, Conti Bancari, e molto altro
  • Ricorda in modo semplice le Domande Sicure dei siti web e genera risposte sicure
  • Conserva in modo sicuro documenti ed immagini
  • Non uscirete mai più di casa senza le vostre informazioni importanti


1Password supporta tutti i vostri dispositivi preferiti. Conservate le vostre informazioni critiche ovunque andiate.
  • Il supporto ad iCloud significa sincronizzazione sicura con la semplicità Apple
  • Il supporto a Dropbox fornisce una condivisione e sincronizzazione tra diverse piattaforme
  • Usate cartelle a vostra scelta per sincronizzare diversi computer tra loro, dentro una vostra rete sicura


1Password permette di organizzare i vostri dati in diverse casseforti e condividetele in modo sicuro con altri. Utilizzate casseforti separate per avere la libertà di scelta su cosa condividere e con chi.
  • Condividete accessi di lavoro con i vostri colleghi
  • Create una cassaforte di famiglia per la condivisione con il vostro partner
  • Distribuite chiavi criptate con il vostro team di sviluppo
  • Scambiate account e documenti con i vostri clienti

Le possibilità sono infinite! La cosa migliore è che potete condividere in modo sicuro le vostre casseforti in modo che ognuno possa avere le informazioni più recente.

Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.2.1 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
Ah, spring. The time to sow seeds and shower them with love and care and well, water, so that we may expect a beautiful flowering in the months to come. Spring is also when those pesky weeds start poking their heads out of the soil. The joy of the garden is so much greater when they're all pulled, isn't it?

We sowed a few seeds and pulled a few weeds in your fabulous 1Password 6.2 garden and upgraded it to 6.2.1. You adventurous types will be happy to hear that we've added support for Safari Tech Preview. We also fixed an issue that occasionally caused QuickLook, viewing and exporting to fail when working with attachments. Webloc attachments will no longer cause 1Password to crash, sorry about that. Enjoy!

We value your workflow too much to prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please take some time to leave a rating and review on the App Store. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you so very much.

Remember, we love hearing from you. Get in touch with us at, @1Password on Twitter, and and tell us about the newest flowers you've discovered!

===== What's New in Version 6.2 =====

The New Tricks Edition

You know what they say. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but you can teach password managers new things.” We totally agree with that last part. Over the years, we’ve released many dozens of new versions, hundreds of betas, and approximately a gazillion improvements! That’s a lot of changes, and we’re not about to stop now. Without further ado, we present 1Password 6.2 for Mac: The New Tricks Edition.

== More studying, bigger brain ==

Some of the coolest tricks 1Password performs, like automatically saving Logins or filling information on websites, come from the browser extension and the brain that powers it. Every once in a while the brain would come across a website it just didn’t understand. That’s when 1Password wouldn’t fill your information accurately. In an effort to improve, the brain sat down and studied all sorts of websites, and now its guesses are more educated than ever. As an added bonus, 1Password will now try to automatically name the Logins it creates.

== First-class importing ==

Thanks to 1Password for Teams and Families, this is the sweetest time to try 1Password, especially if you’ve been using something else to safeguard your digital life. Our latest upgrades to the importer make it super simple to import your information from another application.

We’ve also improved the way 1Password for Mac and Families and Teams (oh my!) work together, the way 1Password mini behaves, and more!

1Password 6.2.1 per OS X 10.10 (o versione successiva) e processore a 64 bit è in vendita sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 64,99

Disponibile, inoltre, la versione 1Password 6.3.1 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.4 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.4 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    = 1Password 6.4: The 1-Up Edition =

    == TL;DR ==
    - Touch ID can now be used immediately after rebooting your device.
    - Importing from 1Password 3 is MUCH improved.
    - Improvements to using 1Password with only a 1Password account.
    - A fancy new 1Password account sign-in screen.
    - Many, many more improvements.

    == Press Start ==
    While all of us here at AgileBits are geeks, a good number are in that elite category of geek: gamers. What better way to show our love for digital interactive entertainment than with some gaming-themed released notes. Enjoy!

    == Leveled-Up Fingerprint Skills ==
    You told us that having to enter your Master Password after a device reboot felt like getting all your powers stripped away right before the big boss fight at the end of the game. In version 6.4, after restarting your device, you will see a Touch ID button on the lock screen; tap it to immediately enable Touch ID. If you enjoyed the way things used to work, check out our new advanced security settings in Settings > Advanced > Security to tailor it to your own tastes.

    == Your Save Carries Over ==
    Are you a big fan of the classics? If you’re still rocking it retro-style with 1Password 3, we have some good news: your save file from 1Password 3 carries over to 1Password 6 so you can jump right into all that the latest gen has to offer!

    With the arrival of iOS 9 we discovered that many of our customers are still using 1Password 3 (thanks to all the crash reports you sent us)! We really wanted you to be able to use 1Password 6, but the path from version 3 was fraught with peril. It was like a series of fetch quests where the NPC just keeps asking you for more and more obscure items to collect.

    We’ve improved this process _significantly_ in version 6.4. Now it’s more in line with some epic armor crafting where you have all the materials at your disposal. If you’ve previously tried to import your 1Password 3 information into 1Password 6 and failed, please try again. We think you’ll be pleased.

    == Play With Your Family, Play With Your Team ==
    If you use 1Password exclusively with a 1Password account (Families or Teams), we have a nice little improvement for you in this version: Setting up 1Password for the first time with a 1Password account no longer creates an empty “Primary” vault. You will only see your account vaults.

    While the developers were busy tinkering with the guts to eliminate that Primary vault, our designers were busy grinding to get their level up. When they dinged level 6.4, they used their new skill points to unlock this awesome piece of gear: a brand new sign-in screen for your 1Password accounts. Just tap Settings > 1Password Accounts to get started.

    == Racing to the Finish, No Blue Shells In Sight ==

    === New ===
    - Added the ability to unlock 1Password with the new Master Password changed on another device when using 1Password for Teams or Families.

    === Improved ===
    - Smarter credit card and identity filling.
    - Updated app translations from our amazing contributors on Crowdin
    - When syncing an additional vault from Dropbox the vault name can be modified.
    - The "Done" button in the extension has been renamed to "Cancel" because it misled users to think it would unlock instead of dismiss.

    === Fixed ===
    - Fixed an issue where 1Password would generate invalid one-time passwords if the secret contained an "=".
    - Corrected an instance where restoring the Pro features in-app purchase might not succeed.
    - Fixed an issue where the item detail view was still showing the item after trashing it on another device.

    1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes between gaming sessions, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance!

    We love hearing from you! Get in touch with us at, @1Password on Twitter, and
  • Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.4.1 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).

    Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.4.1 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
    Good morrow, fine users! Thank you all so much for your feedback on version 6.4. Today we’re publishing version 6.4.1 to address some of those issues as well as a few minor additions of our own. Cheers!

    == New ==
    - Added support for 1Password accounts that are frozen.
    - Added support for 1Password account device deauthorization. {OPM-3975}

    == Improved ==
    - Added some additional text to our first setup screen to reduce the confusion folks have been having over whether or not they have a 1Password account. {OPI-3518}
    - Changed the description of the Pro features to make it more clear that it allows viewing attachments added from 1Password desktop. {OPI-3528}
    - The option to clear the clipboard automatically is now a simple switch in Settings > Security. Enabling it will clear the clipboard after 45 seconds. {OPI-2531}
    - Added some basic support for improved identity filling and Login saving on Spanish sites. {BRAIN-166}
    - 1Password is better able to recognize many registration forms and avoid them during Login filling. {BRAIN-203, BRAIN-171}
    - Improved recognition of credit card expiration date fields. {BRAIN-155}
    - Improved recognition of credit card number fields. {BRAIN-152}
    - Improved Login saving to avoid some sites' decoy fields. {BRAIN-207}
    - Improved post-filling field focus for sites that hide the password field such as Google and Tumblr. {BRAIN-187}
    - Updated our translations with the latest from our incredible translators on Crowdin.

    == Fixed ==
    - Fixed an issue that caused 1Password to show the Master Password field and Touch ID icon when it should have prompted directly for Touch ID.
    - Fixed an issue that caused the Require Master Password setting in Settings > Advanced > Security to use the Auto-Lock timeout value when upgrading from 6.3.1 and earlier to 6.4.
    - Fixed an issue where data loss could happen if editing an item while updating through the extension or syncing. {OPM-4011}
    - Fixed an issue where Login filling would fail on eBay when the entry in 1Password was very old.
    - Fixed an issue that would cause 1Password to fail to identify the username field for sites that use password fields for submitting the username. {BRAIN-242}
    - Fixed an issue that prevented 1Password from properly filling Logins on {BRAIN-228}
    - Fixed an issue that would cause 1Password to sometimes incorrectly split the phone number across multiple fields such as on {BRAIN-170}
    - Fixed an issue that prevented 1Password from properly filling Logins on {BRAIN-99}
    - Fixed a crash that would cause Login filling to fail for sites with radio buttons in the form such as {BRAIN-239}

    1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance!

    We love hearing from you! Get in touch with us at, @1Password on Twitter, and

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