domenica 24 aprile 2016

iPhone: tips for the new user (smartphone guide Book 2)

iPhone: tips for the new user (smartphone guide Book 2)Contenuto dell'eBook:

iPhone is a status symbol in today’s world. You’re automatically attractive if you have an iPhone! But that’s not it.

iPhone requires immense care owing to its fragility. Be it physical protection or software guarding, it is the need of the hour to look after one’s iphone as the gadget is exposed to a multitude of dangers and viruses.

This guide would help the user take care of his iphone, its battery, its security and physical protection. After all, the Apple experience is enjoyable and palatable only if it’s free of viruses and glitches

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "iPhone: tips for the new user (smartphone guide Book 2)" di Zach Abraham è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,99.

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