sabato 23 aprile 2016

Essential iPad: iOS 9 Edition

Essential iPad: iOS 9 EditionContenuto dell'eBook:

Learn to use your iPad the easy way, with iOS 9, the latest release of Apple's mobile operating system. Now in full color, this book explores...
  • Setting up your iPad
  • Setting up and connecting to WiFi
  • Setting yourself up with iCloud, Apple IDs and Family Sharing
  • Getting around your iPad; icons and menus
  • Handoff, picture-in-picture, multitasking and mastering multi touch gestures
  • Organising your favourite photos
  • Taking pictures and enhancing them with the built in iSight cameras
  • Buying, organising and listening to music, with iTunes and Apple Music.
  • Using maps to get directions
  • Reading books with iBooks App
  • Reading newspapers and keeping up to date with the latest headlines with News App
  • Browsing the internet with confidence and safety
  • Chatting to friends and family with FaceTime
  • Getting to know Siri and maintaining your iPad
  • and more...

Techniques are illustrated step-by-step using photography and screen prints throughout, together with concise, easy to follow text from an established expert in the field, provide a guide to iPad.

Whether you have just bought your first tablet or are a keen iPad user, this book will provide you with a firm grasp of the underpinning foundations and equip you with the skills needed to use iPad effectively and productively.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Essential iPad: iOS 9 Edition" di Kevin Wilson, edito da Elluminet Press, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,58.

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