sabato 23 aprile 2016

MacNN Pointers: Mac and iOS for Writers

MacNN Pointers: Mac and iOS for WritersContenuto dell'eBook:

Apple makes the best hardware for writers but countless other companies make the best software.

Best-selling technology authors and word processor obsessives William Gallagher and Charles Martin show you it all.

The text editors that make jotting down notes on your iPhone fun, the word processors that are best for novels or best for scripts.

MacNN’s Pointers books are always independent expert guides but this one is like sitting with two writers over a coffee: they’ve got opinions, you’ve got opinions.

If you’re a writer, this is for you.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "MacNN Pointers: Mac and iOS for Writers" di William Gallagher e Charles Martin, edito da Dark Ride, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,99.

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