sabato 16 aprile 2016

Office 2016 in easy steps

Office 2016 in easy stepsContenuto dell'eBook:

Whether you're upgrading to Office 2016 from a previous version or using it for the very first time, Office 2016 in easy steps will guide you through the key features so that you can be productive straight away! Task orientated, and in bite-size chunks, it shows how to:
  • Create reports, newspapers, cards and booklets
  • Calculate and manage your financial matters
  • Perfect your presentations and slide shows
  • Email, keep in touch and stay organized
  • Access your personal notes anywhere, on any device
  • Collaborate with others to work on documents

Office 2016 in easy steps fully demonstrates the five core Office apps - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote. It introduces the reader to other great Office apps too - Access, Publisher, Sway, Visio, and Project. There is also coverage of OneDrive cloud storage, Office Online web apps, and Office apps for Android devices.

Office 2016 in easy steps works with touch, stylus, mouse or keyboard across Windows devices, including tablets. Sign in with your Microsoft ID and use the software across different platforms.

Aimed at both new and experienced users, Office 2016 in easy steps covers the essential functions of Office 2016. Packed with tips and shortcuts, this guide will help you learn fast so you can focus on the job in hand!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Office 2016 in easy steps" di Michael Price e Mike McGrath, edito da In Easy Steps Limited, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 12,74 e come libro tradizionale anche su al prezzo di Euro 14,16.

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