lunedì 25 novembre 2013

OS X Mavericks Pocket Guide

OS X Mavericks Pocket Guide
Contenuto del volume:

This low-priced, practical guide is packed with handy information for people who want to jump right in and start using OS X Mavericks. Author Jeff Carlson is like your smart techy neighbor, sitting at elbow guiding you through how to get the most out of Mavericks. Jeff will show you how to:
  • Download, set up, and start using Mavericks
  • Manage files with iCloud
  • Swipe, pinch, and scroll: Master Mavericks' Mult-Touch gestures
  • Install applications from the Mac App Store
  • Stay in touch: Enjoy video call with family and friends with FaceTime and chat them up with Messages
  • Don't miss another email or family event with Notifications
  • Read your ebooks with iBooks

In addition, Jeff offers plenty of tips and tricks for getting the most from Mavericks.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "OS X Mavericks Pocket Guide" di Jeff Carlson, edito da Peachpit Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 12,66 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 9,61 e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch, iPad e Mac al prezzo di Euro 9,99.

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