sabato 8 febbraio 2014

OpenOffice 3.4 Volume I: Writer

OpenOffice 3.4 Volume I: Writer
Contenuto dell'eBook:

OpenOffice 3.4 Volume I: Writer is the first book of the four-volume OpenOffice series by Quantum Scientific Publishing. The OpenOffice series provides step-by-step instructions on navigating basic, as well as advanced features within the Apache OpenOffice Suite, version 3.4. OpenOffice Writer is a powerful word processing tool comparable to the leading word processors.

This book begins by introducing the basic functions and layout of Writer, and then progresses to more complex features and operations. By following along with the steps provided in this book, readers will learn dozens of useful tasks such as: inserting page numbers, translating text, generating tables, creating labels, setting up custom tabs, and much more!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "OpenOffice 3.4 Volume I: Writer" di Christopher Cain e Riley Walker è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 7,63.

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